[Completed] AEKnow.org improvements and AEKnow.chain development proposal

Thanks for your attention, I’ll give a brief report of my application here.

1. Three middle-performance cloud servers for AEKnow.org, the block explorer.

AEKnow.org is the first Æternity block explorer, with the most versatile functions, mainly thanks to the great support of Æternity Crypto Foundation and the supports from community in the last year. AEKnow.org was born in a mess of scripts right after the launching of the mainnet in 2018, in my personal server. It was firstly designed for miners and enthusiasts of Æternity, after winning a dashboard bounty(Blockchain Dashboard Bounty Winners! - #3 by LiuYang.chain), it became more popular, and more requests came from community. Then AEKnow.org was seriously designed and implemented as below:

After that, I applied the first grant from Æternity Crypto Foundation(Announcing a Donation to the AEKnow.org Project) for the three servers, each server acts different roles in the block explorer. There is a brief middle term report of AEKnow.org(Grant follow up report from Æknow.org), and the current users data shows as below(From AEKnow.org’s CDN Cloudflare):

1.1 The requests of AEKnow.org per month.

1.2 Web traffic requests by country.

1.3 Threats data.

There are some performance issues in the current structure, but they might be optimized from the software side, so I apply for the grant of three servers AGAIN, for another 12 months. And I’ll keep pushing the growth of Æternity’s ecosysytem with AEKnow.org and AEKnow.chain, hope that the potential business of a block explorer could support AEKnow.org itself or even be profitable, with the blooming of Æternity’s ecosysytem in the next 1-2 years.

2. Two low-performance servers and one Macbook for AEKnow.chain, the SNS aepp.
AEKnow.chain was desgined as decentralized as possible, with careful thinking. There were attempts to build aepps suchs as A simple predicting market, but considered the Single Point of Failure(AEKnow.org) and legal issues, it was abandoned. A PC-based wallet is the legacy(PC-based Waellet is almost ready, please give me feedbacks).

As the decentralization of AEKnow.chain, there is no need for any server in theory. But in the early stage, stable SEED noedes are essential for the booting up of the whole network. So a seed node of IPFS and a web Gateway server are in my plan, and the performance requirements of the two servers is low.

For non-technical users, a pre-built package is necessary. Windows, MacOS and Linux have the absolute advantage in the desktop operating system, and I should compile, test, package AEKnow.chain for each operating system in different way. I have Windows latop, Ubuntu workstation and FreeBSD NAS, but no MacOS based computer for the deployment of AEKnow.chain. So a MacOS computer is in the applying list.

Thanks again~

Best Regards,

Liu Yang

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@LiuYang.chain Your Application has been approved by the AF Board. Thank you!

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Thanks very much for the support!

I’ll keep moving forward as always.


Really good news.

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Thank you!

Weekly report #1 Tracking AEX-9 token (2020.06.01~2020.06.07)

# Content Project Time
1 Desgin a new table token for AEX-9 token AEKnow.org ~1 h
2 Design and code the second version AEX-9 spider with dry-run function AEKnow.org ~12 h
3 Import current AEX-9 tokens(~45280 rows, in ~3 days) into new table AEKnow.org ~3 h
4 Test and deploy new wallet page, API of token with token through new table AEKnow.org ~2 h
5 Design and write a new page in Haeme with markdown, for recording Dev reports AEKnow.chain ~1 h
Summary Tracking AEX-9 tokens is the main work of the last week, the hard part is that how to get the right token balance of each account in realtime; several ways had been tried and a workable way was found with the inspiring of philipp.chain. Tracking AEX-9 token spider had been done partly, and it should be tested and deployed next week. Participant: Liu Yang ~19 h

Excellent, waiting for your good news


Thank you~AEX-9 token’s demonstration and API should be online next week.

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thanks for the detail report! :grin:

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Thank you for report #1 @LiuYang.chain. It’s a very good update of the first week!


Weekly report #2 Building primary AEX-9 token application enviroment(2020.06.08~2020.06.14)

# Content Project Time
1 Deploy the token spider, publish the spider code to a standalone repo AEKnow.org ~6 h
2 Build another realtime spider (<10 s) to update the balance of AE and AEX9 tokens in a quick way. AEKnow.org ~4 h
3 Polish and test the two spiders AEKnow.org ~2 h
4 Add contract_id to the tx table, update AEX-9 transactions recipient_id and token amount(scripts/update_aex9_token_info_once.php), and update Contracts.php model. AEKnow.org ~5 h
5 Update AEKnow.chain’s IPFS code base to 0.6-dev, and improved template,add edit function,no-cache, dns-prefetch… etc. AEKnow.chain ~3h
6 The AEX9 functions of AEKnow.chain was improved, with the realtime api(api/tokenlist) of AEKnow.org, mint,burn functions were added AEKnow.chain ~4 h
Summary A primary AEX9 tracking(AEKnow.org) and deploying(AEKnow.chain) environment has been finished in the past week, as pictures and links show. The balance API(example) and token tranfering tracking(example) can be used stably. And some small improvements have been implemented. AEKnow.org and AEKnow.chain will be polished for AEX9 in the next week. Participant: Liu Yang ~24 h


Wow. It’s going well. The aex9 token function has been improved.


Weekly report #3 Polish and release AEX9_AENS version of AEKnow.chain(2020.06.15~2020.06.21)

# Content Project Time
1 Pulish aex9 token to be listed at aeknow.org by one click AEKnow.chain ~3 h
2 Single token’s balance API and UI AEKnow.org+AEKnow.chain ~3 h
3 Add realtime spider to get the published new AEX-9 token information by tx payload AEKnow.org ~1 h
4 Improve some details, such as clean the code base, dns-prefetch, templates, default access address,APIs. AEKnow.chain ~3 h
5 Tune the performance of IPFS with Haeme AEKnow.chain ~1 h
6 Impove the speed of AENS list and operation AEKnow.chain ~2 h
7 Compile, pack and release the AEX9_AENS version for Ubuntu Linux and Microsoft Windows, and update the README instructions AEKnow.chain ~3 h
8 Create the AEX-9 token check API and Polish the UI. AEKnow.org+AEKnow.chain ~2 h
9 Improve some details, such as login failed page and password error message page, special thanks to Maliang and Wuqian. AEKnow.chain ~2 h
Summary This week’s work mainly focuses on the polishing and releasing of AEX9_AENS version of AEKnow.chain, and the improving of AEX-9 related APIs of AEKnow.org. The Haeme of AEKnow.chain will be the main target in the next week. Participant: Liu Yang ~20 h

Weekly report #4 Improve Haeme (2020.06.22~2020.06.28)

# Content Project Time
1 Update /transaction to use new database. AEKnow.org ~1 h
2 Design new template for Newblog and Editblog AEKnow.chain ~3 h
3 Add abstract section for the new(view and edit) page as paper’s structure. AEKnow.chain ~3 h
Summary Some improvements had been made for AEKnow.chain. For the Dragon Boat Festival, there is not much work had been done in this week. The Haeme of AEKnow.chain will be the main target in the next week. Participant: Liu Yang ~7 h

Weekly report #5 Improve Haeme (2020.06.29~2020.07.05)

# Content Project Time
1 Fix the database error caused by spider, thanks Maliang. AEKnow.org ~1 h
2 Add Settings page to Haeme AEKnow.chain ~1 h
3 Investigate big seed files‘ storage: Tencent COS, Aliyun COS and JuiceFS. AEKnow.chain ~5 h
4 Each account use standalone ipfs repo, not finish yet AEKnow.chain ~11 h
Summary Each account using standalone is the hard part of this week, and there are still bugs to be fixed. At the booting stage of AEKnow.chain, IPFS+central cloud storgae(backup at the seed node) might be a stable way for users to get the proper data. The Haeme of AEKnow.chain will still be the main target in the next week. Participant: Liu Yang ~18 h

Weekly report #5-#6 Improve Haeme (2020.07.06~2020.07.19)

# Content Project Time
1 Reconstruct AEKnow.chain, split aeknow.chain to two independent repos: IPFS backend and AEKnow.chain Web UI; now each account has it’s own IPFS repo. AEKnow.chain ~36 h
2 Settings of the Haeme site AEKnow.chain. ~3 h
3 Polish the Edit page such as Page description,head, and layout AEKnow.chain. ~4 h
Summary Considering the complexity of the Haeme and the heavy coding of IPFS, AEKnow.chain has been Reconstructed. The Haeme of AEKnow.chain will still be the main target in the next week. Participant: Liu Yang ~43 h

Hi @LiuYang.chain

Always good to read your reports.

Could you please share the reports for August as well?

Thank you.



Summer holiday report, improving Haeme (2020.07.20~2020.09.01)

# Content Project Time
1 Fix the search bug of Haeme AEKnow.chain ~1 h
2 Add “Last Version” function for recording the history of the page by using IPFS hash. AEKnow.chain ~ 4 h
3 Fix katex load issue. AEKnow.chain ~1 h
4 Tip direcly in page with AE AEKnow.chain ~2 h
5 Support Katex in editing and rendering. AEKnow.chain ~3 h
6 Use IPFS API to listen the pubsub message AEKnow.chain ~4 h
7 Add encrypt & decrypt message functions by using AE’s account. AEKnow.chain ~6 h
Summary The past 1.5 month is the children’s summer holiday, there is not much spare time for coding, and it’s back to the normal track now. The Haeme of AEKnow.chain will still be the main target in the next week. Participant: Liu Yang ~21 h

Monthly report, improving Haeme (2020.09.02~2020.10.12)

# Content Project Time
1 Post update infomation to pubsub AEKnow.chain ~4h
2 Pin(Store) the updated site from pubsub AEKnow.chain ~8h
3 Build .chain web browser for Windows(.Net) and Linux(PyQT5) AEKnow.chain ~70 h
Summary Since the .chain site should be accepted by the non-tech users, a simple .chain web browser is necessary, so I built a primitive web browser. And the browser will be polished in the next month Participant: Liu Yang ~82h

.chain web browser(.Net)

.chain web browser(PyQt5)


Monthly report, Re design the backend and frontend (2020.10.12~2020.11.30)

# Content Project Time
1 The backend was re-designed the structure and sqlite3 was used as database AEKnow.chain ~80h
2 A preliminary implementation of .Net frontend with multimedia player(AEKPlayer) which can load media from ipfs network directly(aeknow.chain/FrontEnd at master · jdgcs/aeknow.chain · GitHub) AEKnow.chain ~60 h
Summary It’s a heavy re-design this month, and the basic structure should be solid for the future application. Participant: Liu Yang ~140 h