[Æmbassador] Æmbassador Program: æmbassies review Q3 2020 - Q1 2021

Dear æternity community,

Here is a summary of the contributions made by our æmbassadors since the​ ​inception of the new æmbassies program in July 2020​:

● 31 new ​bounties​ have been opened (accessible only to æmbassadors on the forum,​ ​join​ to find out more)

● 21 active æmbassadors have contributed to bounties in the given period (based in Nigeria, Spain, Venezuela, Tanzania, China, Ireland, India, Colombia, Kenya, Turkey, Canada, Uganda)

Panel: Building Global Communities @ Æternity Universe - 20 September 2019 - Prague, Czech Republic - Image copyright Dan Taylor [email protected]

● 44 community bounty contributions have been made, including:

  • 15 virtual meetups & 7 Regional SHL episodes with a total of 602 online participants and 528 Youtube views. Some of the highlights :



SuperheroLeague ækiti​ & numerous tutorial videos by the ​ækiti æmbassy :muscle: :nigeria: @aekiti @jesulonimi @emmanueljet @yinkaenoch @Norniola @Ayenitosin03 @moyinoluwafesobi7 @Amakarivas

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-16 um 17.46.27

SuperheroLeague Venezuela organized by the æmbassy in Caracas :venezuela:
@jcdelpino @adrian.sanchez @marcojgomezm.chain @bguevara

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**Intro to Blockchain framework**​ by Bangalore æmbassador Gyan Lakshmi :india: @gyan0890

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æternity & Superhero intro​ in Dodoma, Tanzania :tanzania: @jeremiah99 @mghase


SuperheroLeague: Getting started in the emerging blockchain startup scene organized by @successoganiru.chain :nigeria:

Further community contributions by æmbassadors in the period include:

● 20 developer bounties have been completed:

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Weather Oracle Template æpp by @VitalJeevanjot

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Signalling Tool for SDK Updates by @jeremiah99 & @mghase


ænalytics.org Dashboard for AENS by @marco.chain

  • 14 node running contributions (mostly China, Colombia & USA)

7Human DeFi Haeck finalist teams​ coming from the æmbassador program (Decentralized Insurance, Superchat, AeonNet, Superhero for Charitable Causes, Handshake, Decentralized Education, Cash-Flag)

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Superchat by the @aekiti team :nigeria:

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Decentralized Insurance on Superhero by @VitalJeevanjot :india:

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Superhero for Charities by @jeremiah99 & @mghase :tanzania:

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æternity Time Locked Non Fungible Token Trade Network by @gokulalex :india:

Finally the total amounts in CHF for æmbassador contributions by bounty category from July 2020 to March 2021:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-17 um 18.43.08

Thanks to all @Ambassadors for their efforts and contributions to bring æternity to their local communities and to advance the cause for scalable open-source blockchain solutions for the masses! :zap: :clap: :clap:


I’m really short of words, non of my contributions were mentioned, within several contributions.

It’s just amazing to see.

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Great work @erik.chain, also all Æternity Ambassadors we have to keep working and pushing the project to be trending.


@successoganiru.chain Sorry for this, it was in my draft, just added your excellent contribution too now.

  • 14 node running contributions (mostly China, Colombia & USA)

In case people are wondering, I run a node located in Colombia and I tend to use the latest version. It runs on dedicated hardware and I’m planning to enhance service levels.


The Chinese node, https://Node.aechina.io has been available for more than 2 years.
It doesn’t matter, does it?


of course it matters! :slight_smile:


Of course it matters @LiuShao.chain, the work you’re doing is essential to the whole æcosystem and we really appreciate your efforts in maintaining your node and of course all projects you have been building over the years! In case anyone wonders, you can find out more about our æcosystem in China here.


That’s great news! Wanna join the program to get a little reward for maintaining your node and collaborate with some developer tasks in your free time? :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the offering @erik.chain, I could give it a shot although my free time is very limited at the moment. Is there a link to apply for the node rewards?


Great to have you with us! You can join the program here and simply go only for that bounty for now, once you have a bit more time you could check out the other pending tasks as well.

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Great work all the aembassadors :slight_smile: ! Exciting to see so many things happening across the globe :globe_with_meridians:


Congratulations to you all!