Aeternity basics

Hello i devs i have two records one is person and other is address how can i retrive address of specific person by using person ID

contract ContactContract=

      record person ={
          name :string,
          id :int

  record addresses={
          index :int,

Hello, do you have a list of records, or what is your data-structure to retrieve from?
Ideally you’d have a mapping of person id to addresses.

am new to this language. Can you help show me how to map

the structure is like that

contract ContactContact =

    record person ={
                  name : string,
                  id: int

     record   p_address ={
             person_id :int,
             p_address: string //this can be mulitple mean person can have multiple addresss

    record state ={
            persons :map(int,person),
            p_addresses :map(int,p_address)
           int personLength  :int,

entrypoint init() = {
    persons = {},
    p_addresses ={},
    personLength = 0 ,


//what i want is to get person addreses by using…

entrypoint getAdresses(person_id:int)={

//retrive all addresses releted to person id

does one person only have one address? then you could do

@compiler >= 4

contract Example =
  record person = {
    name : string,
    id : int }

  record addresses = {
    index : int,
    address : string }

  record state = {
    persons : list(person),
    address_for_person : map(int, addresses) }
  entrypoint init() =
    { persons = [], address_for_person = {}}

  stateful entrypoint add_test_data() =
    let person = { name = "person", id = 1 }
    let addresses = { index = 1, address = "address" }
    put(state{persons = person :: state.persons, address_for_person = state.address_for_person{ [] = addresses }})
  entrypoint get_test_data(person_id : int) =

this example stays quite close to your datastructure, but you could simplify more:

@compiler >= 4

contract Example =
  record addresses = { address : string }
  record person = {
    name : string,
    address : addresses }

  record state = { persons : map(int, person) }
  entrypoint init() =
    { persons = {} }

  stateful entrypoint add_test_data() =
    let person = { name = "person", address = { address = "address" } }
    put(state{persons = state.persons{[Map.size(state.persons)] = person}})
  entrypoint get_test_data(person_id : int) =
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one person has multiple addresses (i.e LOCATIONS not contract address), what i mean take example one person can have multiple phone number

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this way you could represent a many-to-many relationship with somewhat performant lookups

@compiler >= 4

contract Example =
  type persons = map(int, string)
  type addresses = map(int, string)
  record state =
    { persons : persons
    , addresses : addresses
    , persons_to_addresses : map(int, list(int))
    , addresses_to_persons : map(int, list(int)) }
  entrypoint init() = { persons = {}, addresses = {}, persons_to_addresses = {}, addresses_to_persons = {} }
  stateful entrypoint add_address_to_person(person_id : int, address_id : int) =
    require(Map.member(person_id, state.persons), "PERSON_MISSING")
    require(Map.member(person_id, state.persons), "ADDRESS_MISSING")
    put(state{ persons_to_addresses = state.persons_to_addresses{ [person_id] @ addresses = address_id :: addresses } })
    put(state{ addresses_to_persons = state.addresses_to_persons{ [address_id] @ persons = person_id :: persons } })

I think it would be great to share such code / Sophia examples via the fire editor so people can try out call and put functions.

Yah! it will be good

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