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Yes ,you can sell it freely.





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Dear @Winfield,
thank you for the recommendations how to improve the foundations work. I agree that we need to make a better international web site and offer unique apps showing the power of aeternity. A comparison to other blockchains with the focus on the advantages of ae features and apps can considerably improve our marketing presentation. Sure we can learn a lot from our strong competitors. Recently we are working on reorganizing our web site and fastly improve the blockchain with the goal to make aeternity one of the best blockchains. To do this we need the community support!

Thanks the Chinese contributors and users for their active and strong support of aeternity!

@Simon and @beijing Please write in English and do not make a discussion in Chinese, otherwise I need to remove your posts to keep the forums presentation consistence and readable to everyone.


Adults, please be responsible for your investment behavior. You can also buy Bitcoin,


So,you also think AE is a garbage that is not worth to buy it. right ?

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If you want to, just help yourself

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Solid furnished product gives attention … Which AE is in the making … It’s an ecosystem and probably only inbuilt Oracle Ecosystem with Interportability …

Acceptance in Big Market like EU , US , China and India can do the needful …

I was playing with the new middleware recently and I want to make the Java SDK compatible to it and perform local integration tests.

can you please take a look at this issue: hardfork detection based on node configuration in aeternity.yaml · Issue #122 · aeternity/ae_mdw · GitHub

@dimitar.chain @karol.chain I think a small change in the aeternity core implementation makes it possible for me to run local integration tests against a node including the new middleware. I need an explicit local network for Lima which isn’t hardcoded right now.

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I see there are 2 questions:

  1. There is a missing local_lima_testnet which is by design. Any network id (except local_roma_testnet, local_minerva_testnet, local_fortuna_testnet and local_iris_testnet) would work as the expected local_lima_testnet. The lima hard fork is the currently active one so no need of an explicit local_lima_testnet. As soon as we prepare an iris release (and pick a name for the next hard fork) this shall become required. Nevertheless I created GH issue for it. @marco.chain you can freely use locally a network id local_lima_testnet and it would work like a charm :slight_smile:
  2. MDW hard fork awareness for the different networks - I will leave this to @karol.chain

I know that the node can be started with local_lima_testnet. unfortunately the MDW is not capable of that and requires the node to be run with a known network id and prints following error log:

node_1      | ** (Mix) Could not start application ae_mdw: exited in: AeMdw.Application.start(:normal, [])
node_1      |     ** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
node_1      |         ** (ArgumentError) argument error
node_1      |             :erlang.hd(nil)
node_1      |             (ae_mdw 0.1.0) lib/ae_mdw/application.ex:68: AeMdw.Application.init/1
node_1      |             (ae_mdw 0.1.0) lib/ae_mdw/application.ex:17: AeMdw.Application.start/2
node_1      |             (kernel application_master.erl:277: :application_master.start_it_old/4

as long as the MDW is not able to handle the ANY network id you should consider to add the network id explicitely


Ok, I see this will help the MDW. In this case we will add the local_lima_testnet to the predefined list of expected protocols as soon as 5.6.0


Hi lydia @lydia,Chainlink is hiring a lot positions includes Engineering,Business development,Marketing,Operation and others, Careers | Chainlink Labs,
Obviously, in terms of the positions they are recruiting, they pay great attention to the market ,especially the Chinese market, All the community members hope that the team can consider the high-quality market. At present, most people think that Africa is really not a good market,I remember someone who mentioned the big market includes China,EU,US,India…,
A product can be sold it out is a good product.
@YaniUnchained @erik.chain

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