Block.Africa Embrace Aeternity


The moment you sighted good project and you know your vision as a project owner you begin to look for support and ideas that make your project a successful one.

For sometimes now we as a team has been following up with this project , though we have many plans and how to make aeternity a great project via what we stand for and we have been pushing to make this project known to the community members… We are over 500 community members and we have project known as yensesa com in which we shall use to activate many things on this chain.

By tomorrow 06th of March 2019 an introduction of aeternity project will be released to the community members via our WhatsApp group and the tweet is already out and you can find it here and join us for support

Watch out more for community.

Your sincerely
Engr samest

That is great @samest, please share the feedback from this WhatsApp training :wink:

Sure I will share. Hopefully we shall come with webinar soon because there are much things to learn on aeternity.

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Oh cool, that would be useful for the community, please share it :wink:

Hey @samest , please tell us more about what your æternity training will include :slight_smile:

@erik.chain I just posted the one hour WhatsApp discussion on general discussion it was a success with 112 participants… The training focus on the introduction and we shall continue to look more into the project and open the eyes of our community members to this project. Our developer team needs some info from the team to assist us push for what we are planning for.

Thank you.
Your sincerely
Engr. Samest

Use this for your developer team please: GitHub - aeternity/tutorials

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Thanks we shall work with this. Thanks for your help. See you soom