Get Error from æternity online IDE

I used Contract IDE to deploy on testnet ,but not response
Question 2:

Why public key use Base64 String but private key use HexString.Not friendly
Question 3:
Where can I read the Online Contracts IDE source code?
thanks !

Hey @yeqinfu,

Thank you for this question, we’ve forwarded it to our dev team and they’ll get back to you.

The AE Team

This is still not resolved.

Hi there,

Sorry–we’ll get the contract editor up and running ASAP.

You can find the source here:

If you run it locally, you can transfer yourself tokens here: in order to compile and run contracts.

I will update here when we’ve fixed the issue with our copy.

Thanks for the feedback and interest.


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@jsnewby Thank you for your answer! Actually, I want to modified Online IDE account, But I did not how to generate a key pair. so I use epoch epoch release dir:epoch/lib/aeutils-0.1.0/priv/keys_gen to generate a key pair before it ware encrypted. but the private key was starting with ak$.
(like this:ak$8iXV4jwkJX4tudD1rKCX22DwBEQSsATcnvH5iyxzByvAbCbi4Th9VNhiG)
I don’t know how to translate hex string.Or another good way to generate the key pair

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Hi @yeqinfu,
the Contracts Aepp is back into shape, so you should be able to mine from there.

To generate a keypair, ATM, I’d suggest you to clone the JS SDK (or the PYTHON SDK) and use the CLI to generate it.

ATM, in the latest JS SDK release (v0.18.0-0.1.1) the script that gives you a keypair is /bin/aecrypto.js.

Step-by-step Guide:

  1. Clone the JS SDK
  2. move to the root folder and type ./bin/aecrypto.js genkey whateverNameHere

This is going to generate 2 files:

  1. (containing the public key, eg.: ak$weirdHashStringHere)
  2. whateverNameHere (containing the private key, eg.: longerHashStringHere)

You can then use the Faucet Aepp to assign some tokens to the new pub key you’ve just generated. The faucet app will only give you 250 Tokens at every run.

If you need more than that to test your contracts, you can ask here, and we’ll re-fill it for you :slight_smile: