
In regards to the ambassadors hackathon to be organized at the University of Jos on 30th - 31st May, I held a meetup today to discuss about aeternity and also The meetup was a preparation for the hackathon. 90% of the people that came for the meetup have never had about aeternity and so I had to give an overview about aeternity and what the blockchain offers; also how the school can take advantage of some of the features of aeternity. we discussed about state channel and oracle and also spoke about the just concluded voting on aeternity.
70% of them are final year students of the University and are happy to participate in the hackathon. This is the first blockchain hackathon to be hosted in the Univerisity and I am very sure we will have very positive and high profile solutions. Some of them are already taking the aeternity101 course of and we had a side chat with some few students to looked at some of the sample codes on and how it works.
We look forward to a great hackathon and the first blockchain hackathon in Plateau state and I will keep spreading the news and having more participation and aepps soon on aeternity.


Here is the video from the hæckathon preparation event: