Meetup Aeternity / Dacade course session - Valencia, Venezuela

Sunday Oct 13, we had an interesting meetup un Valencia, Venezuela.
We had people of different aves, knowledge and proffesions. The main idea was to show how blockchain works, how Aeternity works, how to get involved in Aeternity and how to learn basics

We were 8 hours doing this, and a good day was accomplished.

Our agenda that daybwas:

  • an Introduction to blockchain and Aeternity
  • open discussion about some ideas
  • register process un
  • first part of Dacade course “Introduction to blockchain”
  • Lunch (included for all)
  • second part of Dacade course “Introduction to blockchain”
  • open discussion and brainstorming
  • presentation of startfleet program

Atendees were very Happy and excited about this day and asked for more activities like this one

I am very Happy with results and more events like this one will be holded in coming weeks.

Event Video compilation


Excelente compañero.

Gracias. Estoy viendo tu actividad y creo que estamos en sintonía. La cosecha de todo este trabajo será un monton de talento y un montón de aplicaciones en Aeternity que podrán cambiar la vida de muchos!!


Así es hay mucho talento joven con ganas de aprender, solo hay que darles la herramientas y guiarlos en el camino.

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Excelente trabajo Ivan! sigue así.

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Felicitaciones Ivan.

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