Our first formal introductory meetup in uganda

We had our introductory meetup, introducing members to the blockchain, aeternity blockchain at large, smart contracts, oracles and aeternity blockchain VS other blockchains

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Hey @moriise,

Thank you for this photo and for your support.


We were at the Guilde’s office at International University Of East Africa which is also in Kampala
We looked at how tuition payments can be simplified using æpps, storage of their school documents and if programing students can have sofia programming language as one of their course units

Technical questions like can some one begin on programing with Sophia from scratch, about the mainnet launch

Other question were about price and what determines the price as fr actuation scares some investors in the crypto world

Would payment in crypto for their tuition not affect the school if the price goes down? or in situations where such related aeapps are used?

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