[SOLVED] Passing contract address as a parameter


Is it possible to pass contract address as a parameter in a function of another contract?
I’m experiencing an error while trying to deploy a contract through forgae.


Yes it is possible, what is the code you use and error you experience?

I am trying to deploy a contract with an init parameter address (e.g. ct_EkfKw779YedZs9Z1vfN4wMirwFVaxBeB72uGc92dkMTJAhjUm)
Example of a contract:

contract Car =
record state =
cm: address }
entrypoint init(cm: address) : state = {
cm = cm }

Error is:

Error data: {“reason”:“Type errors\nThe type address is not a contract type\nwhen checking that the contract literal at line 62, column 92\n ct_EkfKw779YedZs9Z1vfN4wMirwFVaxBeB72uGc92dkMTJAhjUm\nhas the type\n address\n”}

As the error message says:

it needs to be contract instead of address cm: contract, if it stats with ak_ it is address, if it starts with ct_ it is contract.

See the sophia literals documentation protocol/contracts/sophia.md at master · aeternity/protocol · GitHub

If you follow the documentation as calling other contracts, you wont even need the contract or address literals, as passing the ct_ contract address is directly perceived as instance of the contract if its interface is defined: protocol/contracts/sophia.md at master · aeternity/protocol · GitHub

Well, using the ‘contract’ literal does not even allow me to compile it, stating: “Error data: {“reason”:“Parse errors\nline 4, column 8: Unexpected token contract”}”

There is no generic contract type it has to be explicit. Here is an example of a contract that has another contract in its state and call that contract - the type of that other contract is Other and the literal passed to init should be ct_...:

contract Other =
  entrypoint get : () => int
  entrypoint tick : () => ()

contract Test =
  record state = { other : Other }

  entrypoint init(another_contract : Other) = { other = another_contract }

  entrypoint increment() = state.other.tick()

  entrypoint get() = state.other.get()
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Thank you for the clarification @hanssv.chain, I did never try using contract as literal, was just assuming it works from documentation.