Week 35 (Aug 28 - Sep 3)
I finished the migration path from Iris (protocol v5) to Ceres (protocol v6) and I lowered the name limit from 100 to 50 AENS names per NFT due to the following issue: Ceres (v6) gas consumption much higher than on Iris (v5) · Issue #4197 · aeternity/aeternity · GitHub
- outcomment tests, update interface note · marc0olo/aens-nfts@0df1dcd · GitHub
- merge with master · marc0olo/aens-nfts@d5655ee · GitHub
- test: happy path ceres migration · marc0olo/aens-nfts@101438b · GitHub
- finished Ceres migration tests and updated README · marc0olo/aens-nfts@ea1fd50 · GitHub
- add vercel analytic package · marc0olo/aens-nfts@eacad82 · GitHub (not sure if this works yet, but just for me to see some analytics on the test deployment)
- remove unnecessary console log · marc0olo/aens-nfts@a2dd008 · GitHub
- iris bytecode with http compiler v7.5.0 · marc0olo/aens-nfts@983af68 · GitHub
- switch to 50 AENS names limit per NFT due to Ceres gas consumption in… · marc0olo/aens-nfts@03f2436 · GitHub
- update deployment script, changed UI to point to new deployment on te… · marc0olo/aens-nfts@b724ac9 · GitHub
- Merge pull request #2 from marc0olo/ceres-playground · marc0olo/aens-nfts@f891d69 · GitHub
- test for non ASCII char AENS names · marc0olo/aens-nfts@9540fb1 · GitHub
I also identified a strange behavior in the devmode when playing around with protocol upgrades and rollbacks, see `utils.rollbackHeight` rolls back to wrong height · Issue #493 · aeternity/aeproject · GitHub.
The updated contract has been compiled with the latest Sophia compiler release and is deployed here:
- ct_2KJnzyXhfn4PBVFkbvsZtPfjp4WpAZRrb4Z3dp31qtEUxbMp4R (cc @cryptodao21ae, I think you were interested in this
Time spent: 15.25h
Final statement
I am very happy about the final state of the contracts and that I even achieved to provide a migration path to a future Ceres contract which will simplify the contract interaction A LOT thanks to the “global” delegation signature that allows the contract to control all AENS names of a specific user.
Huge thanks to @hanssv.chain, who was very helpful along my journey. I am actually awaiting final feedback from him about my contracts before I perform the deployment on mainnet (will let you guys know when that happened).
I also managed to provide a very basic UI that could generally be used to play around with the contract on testnet. Unfortunately it is more or less “useless” at this point because Superhero Wallet misses an important feature to allow aepps proposing the user to sign a delegation signature, see support for signing of delegation signatures · Issue #2222 · aeternity/superhero-wallet · GitHub. As soon as this is possible, I will inform everybody here and provide a mainnet deployment for the UI. (cc @paolo )
The UI can be accessed here: https://aens-nfts.vercel.app/
For the moment I consider my work as done and I hope to see it wildly used as soon as the Superhero Wallet supports signing of delegation signatures. And of course I would love to see the AENS wrapping integrated into æScan (cc @michele
From my perspective I now finished phase 2 and consumed the approved 200h budget. This means I have to discuss with the æternity crypto foundation how to further proceed with this project. (cc @lydia )