[Community]AE Community survey - The time is now to give feedback

According to the transfer records, we know that this address is owned by the AE Foundation. Interestingly, in the past 3 months, this address bought 20 million AE coin on the gate exchange. Will this continue? What is the purpose of the AE Foundation? :yum: :yum: :yum:
@lydia @YaniUnchained @Mrraebbeth.chain @erik.chain @marco.chain

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是基金会的地址吗 ? 有点没看懂


Please try to keep the comments focused on the original post.


“feedback regarding communications” is very broad, so you can also get this kind of answers :slight_smile:


It is said to observe; many community supporters are sad.Because other public chain ecology is booming; the market value has hit a new high. And ae didn’t see defi; without TVL; and no nft app 。Even a single price of 1doge=3ae; is like a joke. Ecological development is not only based on development; I think ae development is excellent 。Ecology needs the support of top institutions ;Why isn’t ae looking for top investors and institutional support such as sbf





Has the project party been in dispute over the opening of Aeternity Exchange for a long time? Everything is empty talk? Low market value, low unit price, low circulation and low market value? What can the project party do to attract investors? Ps also said: This thread strictly excludes AE list, deposit and withdrawal from the exchange-things that the team has realized and is working hard. Comments related to these will be reviewed.

项目方对永恒Aeternity交易所开通问题争议久拖不决?一切都是空谈?市值低、币单价低、流通量低、流通市值偏低?请问项目方拿什么来吸引投资者?还Ps说:此线程严格排除 AE 列表、存款和从交易所取款的问题——这是团队已经意识到并正在全力工作的事情。与这些相关的评论将被审核。

Token, there are many explanations on the internet, so no specific description is given. My understanding is: Token, as a circulating fuel, encourages users to participate in blockchain projects. Blockchain must be the exchange and communication of different nodes, and general certificate is the proof of rights and interests of information circulation. As circulating fuel. Token is linked to products, services and interests, so it has investment attributes and has value and price. There must be an application and an item behind each Token, and the value of the item itself is often reflected in the Token price. The most important thing to pay attention to: the circulation, which exchanges to attend, the consortium behind it, etc. Please ensure that the project party can circulate and live.


Is the best moment in aeternity to create something big really interesting to challenge all that happens before and bring the future to us focusing on all that things that different people talk about. But we need to change our attitude and the perspective.
If we thing that the marketing didnt work as wee want, this movement need a different way to shown itself with a different marketing proposal. We could do that change using the collaboration program.
There is no need to be ungry. Let’s be creative to solve the problems that we see today.
Let’s do different things if we want different results. We are all into this, we are aeUnited. We have the power to change things that needs to be changed.
Let’s be constructive please.


Creativity, creative, creation, activity.
Let’s do this!!! :sunglasses: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


And imagination. :sunglasses:

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I saw the great things the AE team said, but I didn’t see the AE team do great things…
We need to do, not only say!
Even in some small things, they often procrastinate. such as the v2 white paper of hyperchain.
Do you think their work is great?

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I’d like to ask for a technical disclosure test.

not sure what you mean. I just see that he is very active on various channels we have in the community. for sure I won’t analyze his activities against others here now and see who left the community. don’t take every word that seriously please :smiley:

we should stop complaining and see how we can work together and improve. I still see activity here ongoing. also from you, this means you are still interested in seeing aeternity becoming successful. and this is great. otherwise why should you waste your and our time here? doesn’t make sense :wink:


I want to see good techniques with my own eyes. That way, more people will come.

I think that is not about techniques (they are there). It’s about launching a product that invites new users/developers/investors to be part of, to create an audience and a simple way to comunique with. A clear, ambicious and simple to understand roadmap for average users for the Q4 2021 and 2022/2023 maybe too (not developers need understand easy things to adopt them)
But… We are in that process. :sunglasses: