[Completed] AE maintenance Q2, Q3 and Q4 2021

You can find your updates below.

Week 27 (5 July - 11 July)

Dimitar Ivanov (dimitar.chain)

Dimitar extended the aeternity/swagger-endpoints to allow working with more than one method per URL. This resulted in some simplification of the generated file. This was incorporated in the aeternity/aeternity repo. More work was done on deletion of transactions from the mempool. A total of 35 hours.

Ulf Wiger (uwigeroferlang.chain)

Ulf worked mostly on the structural changes needed for maintenance mode and proper plugin management. Time spent: 36.5 hours


earlyriser99 worked on AeCanary adding more configuration to allow deployment in different environments and adding partial sync of the blockchain for fork detection.
Time spent: 18 hours


Craig was mostly on vacation this week (typhoons!), taking care of a few administrative tasks.
Time spent: 2 hours

Week 28 (12 July - 18 July)

Dimitar Ivanov (dimitar.chain)

More work was done in transaction deletion PR. More transaction pool tests were added and those exposed two small bugs in transaction pool were. Those were fixed. A total of 39.5 hours

Ulf Wiger (uwigeroferlang.chain)

Ulf turned his attention to the changes needed for ‘development mode’ (including instant block production on-demand). This is already mostly implemented and used by automated tests, but the code is intricate and takes some time to get into. Time spent: 35 hours


earlyriser99 worked on AeCanary replacing the fork detection algorithm with a more robust version and setting up fork detection to trigger email warnings and dashboard display.
Time spent: 25 hours


Craig worked on Foundation website updates, mission statement and other slightly more esoteric issues this week.
Time spent: 4 hours


Sina moved hyperchains tasks from OpenProject to GitHub issues, updated and merged two hyperchains PRs (#3647, #3661), and worked on prettifying hyperchains-master code. Time spent: 10.5 hours

Week 29 (19 July - 25 July)

Ulf Wiger (uwigeroferlang.chain)

Ulf worked on basic support for Maintenance mode and read up on Hyperchains. Time spent: 22 hours


earlyriser99 worked on AeCanary idleness detection algorithm and Hyperchains discussions
Time spent: 8 hours


Sina worked on prettifying hyperchains code, documenting hyperchains ambiguities, logging node database info, PR reviews, and hyperchains discussions. Time spent: 17.5

Dimitar Ivanov (dimitar.chain)

Dimitar was inspecting transaciton garbage collection and started onboarding HyperChains. A total of 21.5 hours worked.

Week 30 (26 July - 1 August)

Ulf Wiger (uwigeroferlang.chain)

Ulf was off, giving opera concerts. Time spent: 2.5 hours


earlyriser99 was away on holiday. No time was devoted to Aeternity this week


Sina worked on cleaning up some parts of the code, studying the code to find refactoring cases, and hyperchains discussions. Time spent: 16.75 hours


Craig worked through some additional platform identification issues, experimented with getting external commands to be managed more easily from within the node, and reduced the complexity of the configuration interface (the complex version seems to make more sense in an “advanced” mode, as most of the options will not be of interest to most users).
Time spent: 13 hours

Dimitar Ivanov (dimitar.chain)

Dimitar was onboarding HyperChains. A total of 24.5 hours worked.

Dincho Todorov (@dincho.chain)

Dincho completed to Terraform modules update to newer improved version and migration of all nodes to Ubuntu 18.04.
Also complted few tasks in the “beta” milestone of Javascript Calldata library.
Time spent: 35h

Week 31 (2 August - 8 August)

Ulf Wiger (uwigeroferlang.chain)

Ulf worked on analysis of Hyperchains and continued working on Maintenance mode. Time spent: 34 hours


earlyriser99 was away on holiday. No time was devoted to Aeternity this week


Sina worked on code cleanup, reviewing code, hyperchains discussions. Time spent: 13 hours.


Craig continued with the automated build process from the GUI and started separating out platform specific issues, deciding to focus first on the canonical Debian case, getting the automated sourcing and building procedures to work.
Time spent: 12 hours

Dincho Todorov (@dincho.chain)

Dincho finished the “beta” milestone of Javascrip calldata library by adding documentation and publishing the package to NPM.
Started working on applications k8s cluster configuration to migrate current setup (compiler, faucet, etc.) to it.
Time spent: 38h

Dimitar Ivanov (dimitar.chain)

Dimitar introduced a special filter for AeCanary - this is to allow representatives of each exchange to see data relevant only to them. Work was started on transaction strict mode. A total of 33.75 hours worked.

Week 32 (9 August - 15 August)

Ulf Wiger (uwigeroferlang.chain)

Ulf has been testing the Maintenance mode support. Some shortcuts in automated tests need to be addressed. Time spent: 38.5 hours


Craig researched use cases for hyperchains, use cases for the main PoW blockchain and existing smart contract utilities for creating a marketplace for a real-world p2p product exchange system (imagine Etsy or eBay, but not subject to political censorship from a payment processor), and started working on the load/start procedure from within the GUI’s own node.
Time spent: 20 hours

Dincho Todorov (@dincho.chain)

Dincho continued working on application cluster and there is some dev environment already running with gitops configuration of argocd, traefik ingress, prometheus, grafana and alertmanager.
Time spent: 30h

Dimitar Ivanov (dimitar.chain)

Dimitar was working on transaction pool strict mode. This required a few nasty refactorings. A total of 43.5 hours worked.


earlyriser99 worked on adding detection of cases where the chain stops creating blocks/microblocks/transactions, which could indicate some underlying issue, and on understanding Hyperchains. A total of 13.5 hours.