Create transaction

Does the account of your public key has balance on your chain?

Yes, I have 2 AE in account of my public key.

Is your code open source somewhere? I can’t reproduce the issue so it is hard to help

My project is not an open source project. I’m developing it for a company.
I want to use a proxy. Because i need catch to requests. Can I do set proxy for HTTP requests in Universal?

You can’t set a proxy using the sdk natively. But you can use nginx or some reverse proxy for your node

Hello @philipp.chain
There is no error in the Universal configuration. await ae.height(); I can get a return in the code. But when I use the spend method with the following parameters I get an error.

Universal Config

let universalConfig = {
  "url": "http://mynodeurl:3013",
  "internalUrl": "http://mynodeurl:3013",
  "keypair": {
    "publicKey": "ak_2EDJ3nquU5M5B9j9uAFhbcrRhnr9bwiXQQRPxXp8wpwCEvv1BC",
    "secretKey": "MY_SECRET"
  "networkId": "ae_mainnet",
  "nativeMode": true

Create Universal
const ae = await Universal(universalConfig);

Reduce Amount Decimal
let amount = 2 * Math.pow(10,18);

Spend TX

let txID = await ae.spend(amount, "ak_2P3bibGaHGj8tGxrPFqZefnoDe1qeiPE9BoJGcoajbRPzkaWAu");

I get the following error in ae.spend… line.

Error: While calling getTransactionByHash (hash), GET to http://mynodeurl:3013/v2/transactions/th_auRdGMsK7CoNZjyHsYpsbTNaCFmz9cu1B5qs19rdi2vLUpRUo failed with 404: Transaction not found
       at Object.<anonymous> (/projectDirectory/node_modules/@aeternity/aepp-sdk/dist/webpack:/Ae/es/chain/node.js:33:1)
       at arg (/projectDirectory/node_modules/@aeternity/aepp-sdk/dist/webpack:/Ae/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:293:1)
       at Generator.arg [as _invoke] (/projectDirectory/node_modules/@aeternity/aepp-sdk/dist/webpack:/Ae/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:263:1)
       at Generator.t.(anonymous function) [as throw] (/projectDirectory/node_modules/@aeternity/aepp-sdk/dist/webpack:/Ae/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:95:1)
       at exports (/projectDirectory/node_modules/@aeternity/aepp-sdk/dist/webpack:/Ae/node_modules/@babel/runtime/regenerator/index.js:1:1)
       at fn (/projectDirectory/node_modules/@aeternity/aepp-sdk/dist/webpack:/Ae/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:22:1)
       at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7

I’ve tried the Spend method many times.Every time I tried it asked the same tx_id (th_auRdGMsK7CoNZjyHsYpsbTNaCFmz9cu1B5qs19rdi2vLUpRUo) to my node. And it got 404 error on each of them. I can’t debug the code because your source code is compressed.

Anybody have any ideas?

I did ping the js-sdk team to have another look at this, sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.

Thank you. I’m waiting for your JS-SDK team’s answer.

your code seems correct to me and works flawlessly for me.
i quickly created the below scripts by copy pasting your lines and it works in first attempt

let universalConfig = {
  "url": "",
  "internalUrl": "",
  "keypair": {
    "publicKey": "ak_inbCC5iUZVehvcFHohoEYv9QMKSpLfmdDqXrch1e8b59sAEvk",
    "secretKey": "402fa8a3d1939687bc6d34265fb1b983d0bb1c935efc0e28dcbd8abe53e779035ee15a5905555e914f16f2ffdbe811751703673784aa976cc612c76d03b37347"
  "networkId": "ae_uat",
  "nativeMode": true

async function createTxSpend(){
    const ae = await Universal(universalConfig)
    let amount = 2 * Math.pow(10, 18)
    const result = await ae.spend(amount, "ak_2P3bibGaHGj8tGxrPFqZefnoDe1qeiPE9BoJGcoajbRPzkaWAu")


see the 2 txs that i created using it:

1 Like

Hello @shekhar-shubhendu .
As I said, these codes don’t work on my node. I have no idea what to do.

Hmmm. strange
Can you provide more details.

  1. Node.js & SDK version you’re using
  2. aeternity node version
  3. aeternity config yaml


NodeJS Version: 10.16.3
aeternity node version: 3.2.0
aeternity config:

  { kernel,
     {inet_dist_use_interface, {127,0,0,1}}

  { aehttp, [
      {external, [
          {acceptors, 10},
          {port, 3013}
      {internal, [
          {acceptors, 10},
          {port, 3113}
      {channel, [
          {websocket, [ {port, 3014},
                        {handlers, 100},
                        {listen_address, <<"">>}

  {jobs, [
      {auto_restore, true},
      {samplers, [
          {<<"mempool.size">>, aec_sampler_tx_pool, []}

  {aecore, [
      {peers, []},
      {mainnet_peers, [
        <<"aenode://[email protected]:3015">>,
        <<"aenode://[email protected]:3015">>,
        <<"aenode://[email protected]:3015">>,
        <<"aenode://[email protected]:3015">>,
        <<"aenode://[email protected]:3015">>,
        <<"aenode://[email protected]:3015">>,
        <<"aenode://[email protected]:3015">>,
        <<"aenode://[email protected]:3015">>,
      {testnet_peers, [
      {peer_password, <<"secret">>},
      {aec_mining, {29, [{<<"mean29-generic">>, <<"-t 1">>, false, 1, undefined, <<"aecuckoo">>}]}}

  {lager, [
      {error_logger_flush_queue, false},
      {handlers, [
          {lager_console_backend, [{level, info}]},
            [{file, "log/aeternity.log"}, {level, debug},
             {size, 4194303}, {date, "$D0"}, {count, 10}]}
      {extra_sinks, [
           {epoch_mining_lager_event, [
             {handlers, [
               {lager_file_backend, [
                  {file, "log/aeternity_mining.log"},
                  {level, info},
                  {size, 4194303}, {date, "$D0"}, {count, 3}
           {epoch_metrics_lager_event, [
             {handlers, [
               {lager_file_backend, [
                  {file, "log/aeternity_metrics.log"},
                  {level, info},
                  {size, 4194303}, {date, "$D0"}, {count, 3},
                  {formatter, lager_default_formatter},
                  {formatter_config, [time, " ", message, "\n"]}
           {aeminer_lager_event, [
             {handlers, [
                   {lager_file_backend, [
                      {file, "log/aeternity_pow_cuckoo.log"},
                      {level, debug},
                      {size, 4194303}, {date, "$D0"}, {count, 3}
          {epoch_sync_lager_event, [
             {handlers, [
                {lager_console_backend, [{level, info}]},
                {lager_file_backend, [
                  {file, "log/aeternity_sync.log"}, {level, debug},
                  {size, 4194303}, {date, "$D0"}, {count, 3}

  {sasl, [
    {sasl_error_logger, false}

  {mnesia, [{dir, "data/mnesia"}]},

  {setup, [
           {abort_on_error, true},
           {data_dir, "data"},
           {log_dir, "log"}

also the sdk version that you’re using please.


Sorry I forgot to add.

jssdk version : 4.2.0

i tried running a node(ae_uat) with your config and everything works for me.
i can not really say currently why it is not working for you.
i will try to dig more when i have more time.

hi @shekhar-shubhendu

Is there any news ?

Does it work for you if you use one of the hosted API nodes? So is it clearly an issue of your self-hosted node? Would you share your node publicly here?

Edit: i would like to invite you do after you sign up i will activate your login.


Hi @emin.chain

I signed up. Waiting for your approval.