Governance Polling System Aepp Introduction

Great job already, I also want to test it! We should provide a good tutorial how everyone can self host and self verify the voting aepp and votes.

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That’s the plan @emin.chain. The Middleware is not a big help here, as our needs are to specific.

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I think governance is one of aeternity most exiting features and maybe we can convince @jsnewby to put a few thoughts in it for the future (nothing with high priority but as better we prepare it for others as more likely it will become that the governance functionality and app will be used by others and not only by the ae community to decide upon things).

Thanks for the great work so far @philipp.chain !

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@philipp.chain can you already share designs here so we can give feedback? (frontend)

Yes, we have some early designs. Sketch

Do keep in mind that it is work in progress, meaning not all logic, navigation and texts is final.

@emin.chain do you have any feedback on the designs? We start implementing them this week.

I think the buttons should generally have round corners. here for example this isn’t the case:

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@marco.chain as we mentioned the designs are not final but we appreciate your attention to detail and will adapt the aepp according to your suggestion.


We finished an early implementation of the here discussed designs. A video is available here: and otherwise feel free to try for yourself at Looking for feedback :slight_smile: