Today is the next day in the Chinese New Year, it is so good to hear this news. I wish the AE HyperChain has a huge development in the new year.
This week the Core team is working on Delegated Proof of Stake consensus. Together with Staking Smart Contract, it lies at the heart of future HC-Alpha implementation.
Alongside we’re preparing new testnet nodes and UI to showcase new functionalities.
However, in this phase, we’re not covering parent chain anchoring.
DPoS Consensus
We’ll no longer use the term “miner” with a new consensus. Instead, we’re introducing Validators and Delegators.
A Validator is a node responsible for processing transactions.
A Delegator is a user who locks tokens. The number of locked tokens represents voting power. Each Delegator can support multiple Validators by delegating his voting power.
A Leader is a Validator who’s currently producing micro blocks. The more staking power one has, the higher the probability of becoming a leader.
Staking Smart Contract (SSC)
The core functionality of Staking Smart Contract is leader election. It defines rules on electing a new leader from the set of eligible Validators,
as well as determining rewards distribution.
Users can stake via SSC. Provided functionalities contain:
- allowing a user to become a Validator
- allowing a Delegator to stake chosen Validator
- allowing a Delegator to withdraw the stake
- providing staking balance
well done!thank you for the detail report!
Who pays for the parent chain target fee?
And when will the new white paper on the hyperchain be released?
Anchoring to the parent chain is out of our current scope, but we plan for the Validator to cover the fees.
We’re constantly working on detailed documentation. However, we took an iterative approach, and we’ll be sharing documents as a follow-up to code delivery.
This week the core team is continuing the initial effort of DPoS consensus:
- Currently, we have two different contracts implementations: one with a leader election and another with delegated staking. Once we have a working prototype - we can merge them. The DPoS contract is ready during the leader election. The latest change is the functionality for enabling and disabling a Validator.
- Leader election and reward distribution are ready: the appropriate leader produces key blocks and signs micro blocks. Later on, the rewards of the fees are being distributed using the consensus smart contract.
- A node is being able to sync using the new consensus. However, limited checks are still being performed.
We’re preparing for internal testing of the initial implementation.
When will it be released?
@forjuwon we’re planning to release a new testnet by the end of February.
When can I pos my AE in return?
As soon as the testnet is up and running we’ll let you know how to play with it
This week our update is pretty short.
The team focuses on internal testing, paying close attention to leader election.
At the same time, we are refactoring and polishing the codebase in preparation for public release.
When will it be commercialized?
Anything update?
Dear community, we’re falling behind schedule.
We’re on a final stretch to deliver a new HC testnet and demo UI. We’re planning delivery early next week.
I appreciate your patience!
There is still a lot of work ahead of us and I cannot provide an accurate estimation for this. We’ll keep you updated
Dear community, due to health problems, the delivery of demo UI will be slightly delayed.
Which Github repository is the UI in?
Fabiankrol,thank you for working so hard. We have been looking forward to the latest progress.
How long does it mean?