The proposed changes in Ceres protocol

I think ae now is moving in the right direction; No marketing, no future; There is no future without accountability to shareholders. - ae dropped 99.9% due to the ridiculous concept of 1AE=1AE from the previous team; The AE community was disheartened. TRX is the obvious example; You can despise his lack of skill; But it is currently successfully used by a large number of users; His community is thriving. trx grew 1,000 times: and now AE BRI doesn’t pay for a cup of coffee; So 1AE=1AE has no future; Please first implement 1ae=1doge(Once 1ae=10000doge); In implementation 1ae=0.001eth,Then consider whether ae can compete with eth; Or embrace eth and embrace the Marketing Department?. The direction of AE development is finally on the right track; The final result is whether 1AE =1ETH? Not that you have the skills; But Your user is 0!
True blockchain is marketing, market making, and technology three equally important; Always remember!


The necessary condition to re-establish trust is Hyperchains. but now it seems that developers are more about maintaining the core and superheroes. I don’t think all the tasks of the moment are more important than Hyperchains. So my question now is do Hyperchains really exist?

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please stop trolling here. the BRI was introduced with a vote which was supported by overwhelming majority!

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At the time of BRI, the infrastructure of ae was not perfect, and the wallet was difficult to use. A large number of holders don’t vote because their coins are on the exchange,。which is a kind of fake democracy enforced by foundations . Have you ever heard the real voice of the community?There would be no BRI if you really went to the community to understand the real ideas :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
And then I want to stress that I’m not trolling,you’re the one who started talking about democracy。


users who keep their coins on centralised exchanges don’t have a voice. the exchange has their voice and can easily vote and probably has.

you don’t say why?

Ye, yeah, you are always right in your own world, and you will always find arguments to support your are right. You are too paranoid to really listen to the community.
As a member of the community, I am very very curious about a question: As the founder of AE, have you ever summarized the reasons why AE has great technology but has not been successful so far (including price and not being applied on a large scale)? looking forward to your answer very much!!!

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Although I am not a big user of AENS, I find the option of having name pointers referencing contracts a very neat feature. Aside from quality of life, I see it as a good way of having upgradable contracts — as long as names are used instead of addresses, the name owner will always be able to redirect it to a different implementation. It may sound like a security hole, which it indeed is if not used properly, but I can imagine cases where a bit of trust would not harm. Generalized accounts could aid decentralization here as well. Finally, one can always use Sophia to see what’s behind the name and use Chain.bytecode_hash to validate that the contract doesn’t deviate from your expectations. How lovely.

Aside from that I don’t have strong opinions on AENS.

I like the changes in FATE. Specifically that they are just a bunch of small, yet useful features. Makes you see how good FATE is in doing its job, keeping high ratio of satisfaction / maintenance_effort.

Regarding BRI… It’s definitely better to have it configurable, rather than not. I consider the change for the better regardless whether we want to keep it. And speaking about getting rid of it; if its value is, as Yani said, worth a coffee, then it shouldn’t make much difference for the miners. Therefore, I don’t see much reason to remove it, especially when the stake is low. To me BRI sounds healthy as a concept — just like casual transaction fees serve as a sort of tax making miners’ work pay off, BRI should support development. On the other hand, there was no vote on it for quite some time — maybe this is the moment for those upset/damaged by it to raise their voice.

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I am always apprehensive about discussing token value in terms of currency units. In the end, it’s up to denomination — whether 1 AE = 1 Venezuelan bolívar or 1 BTC does not really tell you anything about the actual value of the currency, because what constitutes 1 AE is entirely arbitrary. In fact, AE is not even the fundamental token unit on the æternity blockchain — ætto is. Just like BTC is bottom line counted in satoshi. What matters is liquidity, market capitalization, investment opportunities, stability, technology around.

To picture it in a silly way, 1 gram of cocaine costs about 80$ (source: Google). 1 gram of a house (yes, of an actual building) in Copenhagen is, quick maffs, 0.5$. Does it mean real estate is less useful and a less worthy investment than illegal drugs? Well, sure, just said 1g of COC is worth more than 1g of CPH

What really is concerning is that value of AE has been dropping over the last year relatively to many other assets. This definitely has to be addressed, I absolutely agree. But we should not set the target to make two numbers match. Otherwise it would suffice to say that from now on 1 AE = 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 aetto and bang — 1 AE = 1 ETH (but all wallets got slashed). Moreover, if ETH goes down, our ambitions should not drop proportionally. What about counting inflation/deflation based on something physical, say cocaine or real estate in Copenhagen?

Anything I say about economics may be bullshit, I am happy to be corrected. Or ranted. Whatever.


When we were talking about price in the group; yani says 1AE=1AE. I think you are quite right; Relative to other digital currencies; ae is down too much. A good stock or digital currency will keep hitting new highs as the economy develops. There are more and more blockchain participants; ae, on the other hand, kept hitting new lows. I don’t think founders should make such statements; Always talking about going beyond ETH; It’s actually as far away as the sun. We should be grounded; The AE community is growing; The value of AE was slowly discovered by investment institutions. AE first achieved one thousandth of the market value of Ethereum.

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users can also ask the exchange to vote in their favour if that’s of everyones importance


There is a Ceres network running if anyone wanna take a try:

Node API:


This is an exciting and highly anticipated development.

I’m delighted to learn that there are some good plans.