TRÆNING: The definitive guide to developing on aeternity

Very nice, this guide reminds me of when i made a guide about the realization of projects in the custom cryptocurrency platform MintMe. in the material he talked a bit about how people could carry out their projects through the creation of tokens, being able to offer their projects as a service to other people and monetize it. they can also support the other projects.

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Quick update: I’m back from vacation and laying the groundwork for this, some sneak peek of how to easily find the info you need and contribute to the docs in an efficient and productive way. I’ll share the link as soon as it goes online, so people can rush in with their remarks on a finally readable documentation that will drive the adoption of AE.


nice to see some progress here!


when do you plan to provide this to the public? maybe we find some people to contribute to the docs so that you don’t have to do this on your own

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How does this differ from the efforts done in the documentation hub, as it seems overlapping, with e.g. render existing markdown as html? GitHub - aeternity/documentation-hub: 21.09.2021: The documentation-hub has been sunset in favor of awesome-aeternity

Some community members are making an effort to update it right now added getting-started tutorial by emmanuelJet · Pull Request #186 · aeternity/documentation-hub · GitHub


This is to break out the documentation we have slumbering in the depths of github for ages and make it available as a technical reference, presented in a standard format people are used to, especially from the blockchain sphere: Solidity — Solidity 0.7.0 documentation It is not intended to compete with any efforts writing tutorials or best practices, but rather to give people a better accessible quick reference to go to when in need of information than walls of text inside convoluted collections of markdown files on github. Putting it in readthedocs makes things more clear, having a better overview now made me notice several lacks in the sophia doc yesterday that were not that obvious in the big long MD file on github. When writing tutorials & co, the community just shall have this as a more readable and better navigatable thing to point to than just a long text on github.


@marco.chain I’m just waiting for some GH permissions and it will be there. It is a slightly restructured form of the existing sophia doc, but being able to look at it in a more accessible way should definitely spark ideas among the community where and how to improve it, while still being able to propose and discuss PRs for that on github.

@nikitafuchs.chain Hi

Is it possible to do something like in this theme Welcome - Harmony

I think that theme builder also used .md pages . But I am not aware of the tool used to do this.

Just a suggestion .

You can go through the layout structure and see how they have done it

Based on your image I am clearly able to understand btw so Good Work!

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Ladies and gentlemen, here you go: Redirecting to aesophia

@Vikram nice idea, once we have the basic one halfway up and running, I will definitely consider pimping it up. the cool thing though about the standard layout is that people, who read these readthedocs like others do with harry potter, are familiar with the overall appearance, and it’s somewhat easier to consume information if you look at something that seems familiar to you.

Important info: I need to run to Apple and leave my computer for repairs, after I get it back I’ll move things to the official AE repo once we polish a things or two. You guys can open up PRs/ issues in my repo until then, I’ll participate through some backup means meanwhile and add @hanssv.chain as a collaborator, too.

Edit: As pointed out by hans, the info in the reference is “too new” and contains things that are not put in place yet, so don’t be disappointed please :stuck_out_tongue: I will ‘downgrade’ it all for the time being.


We are making progress here, information becomes more accessible. As of yet, if you wanted to find information about coding in sophia, you were greeted with the old doc still shown at the top:

Now, already in the 5th top spot, you should get this:

Being able to access information fast makes building stuff a lot easier. We can push the new docs on google way higher by using links to it as reference to different sophia related topics here in the forum!


Great work @nikitafuchs.chain :rocket:

Is there a way for us to announce these updates to the public in sections? I know you mentioned some of these are not public information yet–maybe those can be made private while the rest is public?

Would be nice to be able to announce to the public that the documentation hub is slowly being updated and for them to see it without the internal-only sections. Otherwise, it might take until next year before we can let the public see this at all (depending on how much needs updating).


No no, the publicly hosted new doc is now public and can be communicated publicly. One thing though: The new URL is , as the last one was chosen unintendedly and is too long.

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Next major step taken: We finally have a well-browsable, well-readable JS SDK documentation / reference, which should also pop up on your google searches, too:

Now that things are more clear, it’s easy to see where the docs are still lacking input - a good point for the community to get engaged with me and the rest of the team on this, once the new doc is merged to master - pr is out:

Seems like we can really start going on the TRAENING in a few ?!


Thanks @nikitafuchs.chain!


@beijing @ae-omar @swift @ellisavetageoo.chain @Rioolrat @Vikram @marco.chain @Pascaler @swift @Fee.chain what you sayin :wink:


Fuck this is neat! :smiley:


I like the background :smiley: nice video!


Great introduction, we need more.


more is coming !


There you go guys, happy building!