I am trying this in ubuntu18 and the miner is crashing with:
2018-10-24 23:12:44 =ERROR REPORT====
Failed to start Ranch listener internal in ranch_tcp:listen([{port,3013},{ip,{127,0,0,1}}]) for reason eaddrinuse (address already in use)
Hi, I am considering to be part of test mining as well, but before I do, I like to get a perspective on the computing specs that I minimally need. I am planning to run it on an older computer with Linux on it. Thanks for any guidance on the Specs.
Hello, I have executed the epoch and everything is working except synchronization. After 2 hours of running, when I check: “height” was only 3
In epoch docs was mentioned that it should take only few minutes. What is the problem can it be because of my hardware performance ?
I found only:
zoju@zoju-Ubuntu:~/tmp/node$ grep error log/epoch_sync.log
2018-11-30 10:41:21.280 [debug] <0.2813.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
2018-11-30 10:45:49.594 [debug] <0.5824.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
2018-11-30 10:53:19.436 [debug] <0.1338.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
2018-11-30 10:54:50.008 [debug] <0.2524.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
2018-11-30 10:57:49.455 [debug] <0.4530.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
2018-11-30 11:50:20.340 [debug] <0.2266.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
2018-11-30 11:54:50.528 [debug] <0.2496.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
2018-11-30 12:16:41.244 [debug] <0.3484.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
2018-11-30 12:54:50.126 [debug] <0.5132.0>@aec_peer_connection:handle_info:276 Failed to connected to {<<“”>>,3015}: {error,timeout}
I have removed it from yaml file. Now I cant start node.
I found:
2018-11-30 13:52:35.934 [error] <0.1207.0>@aecore_app:start:25 Persisted chain has a different genesis block than the one being expected. Aborting
Hello one question regarding accounts When I use:
At the moment I am using Benneficiary account that was generated using Keys_gen.
But I alredy have one which I created for migrationpurposes using AirGap.
Cau I use this publick key as Benneficiary account ? If yes how can I set it up ? How can I regenerate keys and generated_keys directories?