A simple oracle smart contract to provide weather data on æternity blockchain

Greetings Everyone,

I am honored to announce my first public work on the Aeternity blockchain:

Custom Weather Feed inside Aeternity smart contract using native oracle

With this, you can able to use this template directly by forking it and running it locally with the type of modifications that you like to do in either backend, frontend, or smart contract themselves while having a unit test files ready to be extended and used.

Create weather feed oracle template from scratch

Learn how to use æproject CLI to create your own template like the above. With this, you create your new project from the start using æproject CLI, Creating custom oracle, Having custom backend for feeding responses and a small frontend to make queries

Live demo of the above template
A youtube video (Not very professionally edited) will give you a quick demonstration of how the template work.

If you have any questions or suggestions to make it better, please feel free to add a response to this post so we can have a thread running with good discussion and learning of æternity blockchain. Also, you can contact me on the Official æternity telegram group.