[Active] AE Maintenance (weeks 1-2, 2024)

Application Status

Status: Active

Hey Community,

Starting in 2024, we’re introducing bi-weekly updates! Here’s what we’ve got for you so far.

Weeks 1-2 (1 Jan - 14 Jan)

Dincho Todorov

Optimized resource management with updated machine Images clean script. To optimize network performance and resource allocation, we have carefully decommissioned some testnet and mainnet nodes. Addressed an issue with disk space due to unconfigured logging, requiring some work and environment reset.


Improved documentation by adding new ReadTheDocs configuration https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/pull/4245

Embracing the latest in technology, we have updated Packer to a more recent version 1.8.7. This update not only brings new features and bug fixes but also ensures compatibility with future technologies, preparing you for what’s next in the development landscape. https://github.com/aeternity/infrastructure/pull/594

Recognizing the diverse needs of our community, we have added support for Ubuntu 22.04 in our infrastructure.

Hans Svensson

We’ve implemented a change to GAAttachTx, now restricting its use exclusively for fresh accounts. Check out the details of this update at https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/pull/4237

Document delegation signatures in aesophia, and add documentation of AENSUpdate v2 serialization to protocol.

I improved the new HyperChains draft and contributed into making BRI configurable.

Investigate, fix and adjust system tests for bug introduced by general GC-implementation - old structures can be stored in DB.

We’ve addressed and resolved an issue with a system test that was failing intermittently, ensuring more consistent and reliable testing going forward.

Please find more details here:


Justin Mitchell

Currently, the plugin utilizes the configuration key “custom_prefunded_accs_file” to establish the prefunded accounts file. With the newly added “hard_forks” configuration, you can now set the prefunded accounts file using it. Consequently, you can remove the “custom_prefunded_accs_file” key from aeternity. https://github.com/aeternity/aeplugin_dev_mode/pull/29

System tests have been fixed. Check out the details here https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/pull/4243

The BRI is now configurable. You can customize it by protocol version. https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity/issues/4246

Gaith Hallak

The Sophia programming language compiler has recently undergone several notable changes. First and foremost, the initial code for the Language Server Protocol (LSP) has been pushed. The compiler now handles two valuable features:

  • Go to definition: This would allow the user to click the button “Go to definition” in VSCode, and the editor will jump to the definition of the function that was clicked on.

  • Open and change: These are notifications issued from the text editor (VSCode in our case) to the LSP, that would inform the LSP about source code change, and thus would trigger parsing of the new source code.

Bug fixes in the tree-sitter-aesophia parser have been made, increasing the parser’s stability and overall performance.

The LSP for Sophia, along with its VSCode extension, is still in the development stage.

Łukasz Romanowicz

The WEB API will allow æternity users to upload the contract source code, automatically verify the corresponding deployed Smart Contract, and publicly share the verification results with the rest of the æternity blockchain community in one, centralized service.

We are excited to inform you about the key functionalities of our platform that are now available for you to explore:

  • Submitting a Smart Contract verification request by uploading source code and providing necessary information on its license, and the corresponding deployed Smart Contract.

  • Our system supports asynchronous verification of Smart Contracts.

  • Exposing the results of the verification, including exposing selected contract details and its source code.


The application is currently in the development stage and is not yet ready for production use. However, it offers a great opportunity for personal exploration and experimentation in a local, isolated environment. This is an excellent chance to familiarize yourself with its features and functionalities in a safe and controlled setting, preparing you for future updates when it becomes fully operational.

We encourage you to explore these changes and await your feedback and contributions. Stay tuned for more updates every two weeks!