Is it possible to view somewhere the current blockchain size? I dont see it at
No one seems to be counting this data, including me. I can only tell you roughly about 35GB
The database is indeed ~35GB nowadays, but that includes a full history (all states of all earlier blocks) it is debatable if that is part of the block-chain size. But for a full/archiving node 35GB is the size.
Some initial work on garbage collecting/pruning old (account) states is already merged, I suspect more is to come when the database grows.
There is also work in progress to make daily database snapshots available for download. cc @dincho.chain
cool. and how about testnet bc size?
Yes, will be available for testnet too.
i meant what is the size in GB of testnet bc?
I believe the testnet database is currently 15GB large.
@hanssv.chain what is the expected size 5 years from now?
That depends on how popular it gets We’ve been running for 1.5 years and reached 35GB we can extrapolate from that but we mainly have to wait and see I guess.
Do you have any stats on the usage for the last 1.5 years?
As the aeternity blockchain is widely adopted, the data growth rate will become faster.