Aeternity API questions (HOW TO ?!)

I explore the API ( since some time however I don’t understand everything and searching answers through the Aeternity doc doesn’t help.

I create this thread as a general thread for API questions and answers. I hope it will help me and also others. What i struggle now:

1. How to get oracle public key?
Transaction with hash th_tboa3XizqaAW3FUx4SxzT2xmuXDYRarQqjZiZ384u4oVDn1EN is OracleRegisterTx.
I tried to get information about oracle from transaction ( however no info about oracle public key.

Transaction with hash th_VNYE1rRfjPD66hjgGUBzaqwdGm4PPmzULZAcqnLcWMvrSWehz is OracleQueryTx.
I have oracle_id (ok_g5vQK6beY3vsTJHH7KBusesyzq9WMdEYorF8VyvZURXTjLnxT) in the response ( however using JS API (ae.getOracle(‘ok_g5vQK6beY3vsTJHH7KBusesyzq9WMdEYorF8VyvZURXTjLnxT’)) returns me 404.

Cannot get /transaction/{hash}/info because of:
{“reason”:“Tx is not a create or call”}

How to get oracle public key? Is it possible?

2. How to get channel public key ?
Transaction with hash th_25ofE3Ah8Fm3PV8oo5Trh5rMMiU4E8uqFfncu9EjJHvubumkij is ChannelCreateTx.
I get transaction however there are no information about channel public key. I cannot get /transaction/{hash}/info because of :
{“reason”:“Tx is not a create or call”}

How to get channel public key? Is it possible?