Aeternity presentation in Wrocław Blockchain Meetup [Poland]

Hey, about 3 weeks ago I did presentation in the Wrocław Blockchain meetup group Wrocław Blockchain Meetup (Wroclaw, Poland) | Meetup.
My presentation topic: Aeternity - blockchain framework 3.0.
It was general Aeternity overview, a little modified version of base presentation - with explanation of base components of Aeternity blockchain (oracles, state channels etc.).
The audience was about 20 people.
There is video footage from this event (polish language) unfortunately low quality video so I didn’t focus on spreading it: Aeternity - blockchain generacji 3.0 - Przemek Thomann - YouTube

Here are 3 pics from the event:


Hi @PeerZet,

Thank you for your support and for sharing photos and videos. Keep spreading the word about æternity! :slightly_smiling_face:

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