Ok this is something I don’t understand at all. So I warn you guys, I may be talking a lot of non-sense.
So, I see the blockchain stores permanent data, what about volatile data?
---- sigh, I hear myself and just thinking about this is… so crazy —
What if I wanted to place something like a secondary blockchain that stored data with a TTL, and the way to access this data was via an endpoint. The sort of data stored in this secondary blockchain would be either completely decrypted (and/or signed), symetrically encrypted (and/or signed), public key encrypted (and/or signed) or private key encrypted.
I don’t know the details but the idea is that you pay on the main chain to something (oracle, contract, idk!) and then you get access to the secondary blockchain to store some information.
So say you want to open yani.chain, you use the AEbrowser, type the address, click on website, it gets the resource you need to process to get the list of files and the entry point. you get the list of nodes in the secondary blockchain, you connect to a few of thems and request the list of data, you then get the files from the proper endpoints and load all the information. Since the blockchain already contains at least a bunch of connected nodes the website is decentralized, since the name is resolved in the main blockchain the name resolver is decentralized.
Ok, this idea is super crazy, not matured and kinda weird, but this is what i have been thinking of since the name AENS popped up. I have been thinking what is preventing us from using some sort of storage system? from making a set of nodes that store data for a limited time? and get paid for that data? Can’t I just make a node that stores data and space and put a price on it in AE and make it so people could use the space witout having to worry about where it is physically located?
I am basically trying to find uses for the blockchain so we can make people holding AE or providing a node to make money from the service.
What do you think @philipp.chain @dimitar.chain @hanssv.chain ?
– Note –
You are not required to answer technically to this question, you can very well expand on this crazy idea with more craziness or see how feasible it is. This is a thought experiment on a really crazy idea.