æUnited Creators' Contest! Get rewarded for your articles, posts and videos 🎙

Have you been looking for a way to contribute to the æUnited Program, but you are not a developer? We got the perfect opportunity for you to become part of our æcosystem and be rewarded for your support! :trophy:

All you need to do is create content and get as many impressions as possible on your creations, be it articles :memo:, social media posts :calling: or videos :movie_camera:.

How to Participate?

All æUnited contributors participating in the Creator’s Contest are in contention if their content:

  • Is unique
  • Reaches the minimum rewards threshold
  • Complies with the guidelines

A reward in Æ coins corresponding to the contents’ impressions at the end of each month can be claimed, as long as the necessary analytics/backups for the impressions are submitted. There are three types of content categories and all of them could be participated via at the same time.

Types of Content Categories

  • Social Media Post Impressions (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn): 50 Æ coins per 1000 impressions
  • Editorial Content (e.g. Medium, Steemit, Hackernoon) : 100 Æ coins per 1000 reads
  • Video Content (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo) : 150 Æ coins per 1000 views

Incentive Boost

Any content that covers the upcoming æternity DEX or Hyperchains Alpha receives a 30% boost on incentives earned. For example, instead of earning 50 Æ coins per 1000 impressions on regular æternity Twitter content, you will earn 65 Æ coins for posts that relate to the focus topic.

Rewards Timeframe

Contributors are required to claim their Creator’s Rewards through this form on the last day of each month at the latest. Claims can only include impressions generated within the month. Late submissions disqualify for rewards.

Content Guidelines

Each content submission needs to comply with the following:

  • Mandatory: Mention at least ONE of the features of the æternity Blockchain protocol in your content (Erlang, Sophia, FATE VM, State Channels, Oracles, AENS, Generalized Accounts, Bitcoin-NG, Hyperchains)
  • Optional: Mention at least one existing application that works or will work on top of the æternity Blockchain protocol (DEX, Superhero Trading Cards, Vereign, NFTs, ReCheck, etc.)
  • Include at least one hyperlink pointing to æternity – Blockchain for scalable, secure, and decentralized æpps and one hashtag #aeternity #DeFiReady in any of your published content

Generally, the content can be engaging and entertaining but is required to highlight the utility of the æternity blockchain.

Please refer to the Creators’ Contest Reward Form for more information regarding the Terms and Conditions of this Bounty.

If you have any further questions regarding the æUnited Creators’ Contest, feel free to ask here in the comments or reach out to @erik.chain directly via PM.


Please note that there was a minimal change in the content guidelines to make it easier for new participants to create content that makes an impact. You can now focus on solely one feature of the æternity blockchain and describe it in the way you best seem fit to attract a large audience.

Here’s a short summary of the contributions being made in the months of April and May 2022 for the æUnited Creators’ Contest:

  1. Crypto4me2


The first major contribution has been this tweet mentioning æternity’s feature stack such as Erlang, FATE VM , Sophia smart contract development and the new AEX-141 NFT standard. The thread also goes more into details with State Channels, Superhero Trading Cards, how to get AE coins, Hyperchains, AENS, Bitcoin-NG as well as the new DEX.

It has achieved a total of 35,117 impressions in the month of April and 23,367 impressions in the month of May with a total 1,971 Likes and 2,090 Retweets up until today. AE rewards were 2282.6 AE and 1518.86 AE respectively.

  1. Crypto4me2


A twitter thread dedicated to the topic of DEX’ in general and the upcoming Superhero DEX. It has achieved 6,662 impressions in the month of May and a total of 576 Likes and 600 Retweets up until today. The reward for this contribution was 433.03 AE.

  1. Crypto4me2


A tweet dedicated to the recent AEX-141 NFT standard developed by our dear community member & developer æmbassador @zkvonsnarkenstein.chain. It has achieved 12,245 impressions in the month of May and a total of 561 Likes and 583 Retweets up until today. The reward for this contribution was 612.25 AE.

  1. Crypto4me2


A tweet dedicated to how the AEX-9 Fungible Tokens Standard works and how it differentiates from the ERC-20 token standard. It has achieved 8,508 impressions in the month of May and a total of 979 Likes and 1,038 Retweets up until today. The reward for this contribution was 553.02 AE.

Thank you @Crypto4me2 for your contributions to expanding our community and getting more and more external people in the crypto space interested in the æternity protocol and all of it’s tools and native features. We hope to see more of your contributions in the upcoming months and others here who will follow his example to bring AE and blockchain to the masses! :rocket::zap:

You can also see the previous rewards for the æUnited Creators’ Contest here:

April 2022: æternity Explorer

May 2022: æternity Explorer