An Introduction to the Aeternity blockchain and development tools (UCLA) session 2

Good afternoon, Wednesday, 12-Feb-2020 at 11 a.m. The talk “An Introduction to the Aeternity blockchain and development tools sesion 2, was carried out from the city of Barquisimeto, Estado Lara Venezuela, at the Centroccidental Lisando Alvarado University ( " The talk was attended by 31 students from the Computer Engineering. The duration was 60 minutes.

The topics discussed were:
Introduction to the Blockchain, how does the blockchain work ?, difference between digital money, virtual money, cryptocurrency and tokens, bitcoin, which allows the blockchain ?, how to access, its new design, courses to take and case example of use that you can send for first bonus.

What is aeternity ?, smart contracts and real examples, status channels, oracles, scalability via status channels, decentralized applications developed with Aeternity, creation and use of the Aeternity virtual wallet.

Participants were reaffirmed how to access the platform and relevant information about our forums and documentation was sent to their emails.

A student asked what kind of applications can be developed in the blockchain, he was told that following the properties offered by Aeternity blockchain technology, we can develop payment platforms, tracking applications that require security and transparency, such as medical records, vaccination record, supply chain tracking etc.