Application Status
Status: New | Active | Completed | Rejected | Postponed
Last updated: 29.04.2020
Submited by First Name, Last Name, E-Mail
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Blockchain Integration
Gaming Industry
Hello I hope you are doing well. We are experienced professionnel with a background in top worldwide companies as Activision, Crédit Agricole, ETH & more.
Our founder [email protected] was behind DEFI Protocol in EGLD that have 150 M $ value locked.
We are on the mission of bringing mass adoption to web 3 gaming by allowing users to become creators. We are developing IAPionner, with a prompt users will create a universe that will be playable and will earn revenue from it. It will be accessible from our mobile open world and Platform where we will also post our own IPs, mainly play to earn games.
With the partnership with Aeternity we want to allow users to fully own their in game assets on the blockchain, We know the technology behind Aeternity is very efficient in term of speed, cost. We are committing with our marketing strategies and the value we will give back to the community to bring more than millions of transaction to Aeternity blockchain. We want to adopt and impact Aeternity Blockchain to accomplish new heights in the space.
We are giving the opportunity to the world to test our product from middle of December to middle of January.
For that we need to adopt the blockchain technology so users sees it’s concrete and working.
That we are back up by a very serious blockchain.
We estimate to launch our products from May 2025 to October 2025 and run it for a period of 2 Years minimum, constantly upgrading.
We will work hard on the marketing that we estimate as important of the technology we are creating, and brainstorm from there new product to add inside of our gaming ecosystem powered by one single token = Zenfuries.