Bug bounty and improvement program for reporting bugs and suggesting improvements

How can we incentivize developers and community members that use tools like

  • ForgAE, our local contract development kit (CDK)
  • SDKs (JavaScript, Python, Go and maybe Java)
  • Wallet(s) like Base, Waellet, Airgap
  • Middleware / API Server / Explorer
  • Contracts and Playground IDE

and other products to report bugs and suggest improvements to the product. An idea i have is to bountify this. Everyone who reports a bug or improvement task which gets accepted on Github, receives a bounty.

On a professional level for the aeternity protocol we’re already hosting a bigger bug bounty program on hackerone:


Is this easy enough to understand? Do you think it would make sense to start a huge bug bounty and improvement / contribution program for all important aeternity products. Which once would that be next to the once mentioned above?