CuckooCycles algo with Stratum

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to create a mining pool. How do I set up the CuckooCycles algorithm to run with Stratum?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


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Hi there, did you check on aeternity/ at master · aeternity/aeternity · GitHub

Where are you having problems? Please share any error /screenshot.



Hi, thanks for the reply!

I’m not actually setting up Aeternity but a different coin that also uses CuckooCycles. I’m trying to set up YIIMP/Stratum (GitHub - tpruvot/yiimp: Crypto mining pool) on my Ubuntu production server but it doesn’t seem to have the CuckooCycles algorithm implemented by default. Any ideas on how to get CuckooCycles running on YIIMP/Stratum?

Sorry for not being clear enough/not providing details from the very beginning. I’m just trying to keep my options open on how to solve this :smiley:

Did you try with their forum/support?

I’m not sure they even have one :frowning: The website doesn’t even load.

Might be better to spend your mining power on a well supported coin don’t you think?


Hola buenos dias omar.
Me doy cuenta que no soy el unico que quiere agregar ae a yiimp.
Como puedo compilar el stratum y agregarlo a yiimp.
Quiero agregar ae a mi pool me puedes ayudar, yiimp no tiene soporte ya que es un screen multipool abandonado de hace muchos años, los propios usuarios hacemos modificaciones que luego compartimos. Bueno algunos las compartimos otros no.
Muchas gracias