Dacade.org registration issue

Hi, dacade.org

Do you find that there are very few registered users from China?

Because Chinese users can’t register it properly. I may need a proxy, and I will need to try some things later.

I may need your help @albena.chain,I don’t know how to contact them.

A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.

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Maybe @moritzfelipe can help here.

Yes, must be a small bug, i used it yesterday. Dacade also has a telegram channel for live and direct support

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The page backand is google firebase, i think google is blocked in China but this is a VERY important feedback. I will forward it.

Hello @LiuShao.chain,

Sadly @emin.chain is right, currently google services, like firebase that we are using for our database, are blocked in china. At the moment the best solution will be a proxy. We plan to get rid of google services in the future and use a mix of something like IPFS and blockchain instead, but this is will take a while.

Sorry for that experience, if you have anymore questions, you can contact me directly on telegram @moritz_felipe .

But using a VPN could work, right?

Yes, VPN could work.

In addition to registration, YouTube for video use is not available in China.

Yes, both is a very big issue. We need to find Chinese translation, better (open) hosting platforms that work for you and startups like dacade.org need to think about ways to make everything better available for all countries in the world.

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Yes that’s very problematic. We are planning to add transcripts for the videos soon, hopefully this will help a little bit.