Error when preforming contract call

Hello, please am facing the below error when a contract call function is being called. Note this happens after a previous contract call has finished execution.

Error: Invocation failed: cb_Xfbg4g==. Decoded: ]���
    at Object.<anonymous> (contract.js:64)
    at c (runtime.js:45)
    at Generator._invoke (runtime.js:271)
    at Generator.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (runtime.js:97)
    at c (runtime.js:45)
    at t (runtime.js:135)
    at runtime.js:170
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at a (runtime.js:169)
    at E._invoke (runtime.js:192)


if you dry-run that transaction you can see a better error message

How do you suggest I do that in JavaScript

as documented here:

you can use .get in your call to force dry-run.

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Thanks, I will work on this and revert back as soon as possible

Thanks @philipp.chain for the support I figured the error after using .get to force dry-run the contract call.

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