Hello æternity community

Hi folks,
i’ve been here around a while , but i think i never introduced myself to the community :smiley:
I’m a senior developer and freelancer and been in it business since 15 years. Our well-known @marco.chain brought me to the æ space in 2019 where we started to contribute by developing the Java SDK and the Maven Contract Plugin. Together with my faboulos team, i participated at the Akshwani Hæck in 2021 where we won within the category ‘best æ oracles based DeFI application’, where i learned so much about writing smart contracts in Sophia and we could reuse the previous work done with SDK and plugin.
So hello to everybody, happy to be here :wave:
Michel (Mitch)


Hello Mitch, happy to have you here! :slight_smile:


I remember Prediction Cards from the Akshwani Hæck, glad to have you join the æcosystem more actively again! :smiley: