Help Needed to build Superhero IOS Wallet

Hi Guys,

I am trying to build the superhero wallet into IOS.

I was following the readme and did following steps.

  • cordova prepare ios
  • Opened xcode with the .xcodeprojec file

Showing this Issues

Value for SWIFT_VERSION cannot be empty.

Any help is appreciated


Hi Vikram, did you npx cordova build ios in the project after running cordova prepare ios?

Additionally, before building for cordova you need to generate static resources once by npm run gen:cordova-resources.

Hope it helps!


These steps were not mentioned in the radme

I did npm run build
then cordova prepare ios
after that opened the file in code

Ill try the steps you provided


I tried doing

npm run gen:cordova-resource

Getting following error

> [email protected] gen:cordova-resources /Users/vikrambhushan/Documents/hypersign-protocol/hypersign-identity-wallet
> cordova-res

WARN: Error with source file resources/icon.png: The dimensions for source image of type "icon" do not meet minimum size requirements: 1024x1024 (image is 192x192).
WARN: Error with source file resources/icon.jpg: The dimensions for source image of type "icon" do not meet minimum size requirements: 1024x1024 (image is 192x192).
WARN: Error with source file resources/icon.png: The dimensions for source image of type "icon" do not meet minimum size requirements: 1024x1024 (image is 192x192).
WARN: Error with source file resources/icon.jpg: The dimensions for source image of type "icon" do not meet minimum size requirements: 1024x1024 (image is 192x192).
ERROR: Missing source image for "icon" (sources: resources/android/icon.png, resources/android/icon.jpg, resources/android/icon.jpeg, resources/icon.png, resources/icon.jpg, resources/icon.jpeg)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] gen:cordova-resources: `cordova-res`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] gen:cordova-resources script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/vikrambhushan/.npm/_logs/2021-04-21T11_14_55_135Z-debug.log

I do have the files under resources/icon.png, resource/icon.jpg in my project

Here’s an excerpt from the readme:

Build locally

$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm run build:Testnet # build for Testnet
$ npm run build:Mainnet # build for Mainnet
$ npm run gen:cordova-resources
$ npx cordova build/run android/ios # to build Cordova application
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Please make sure you have the latest changes. My advice is to clone the repo and do a fresh install.

This is the most recent release: GitHub - aeternity/superhero-wallet at v0.6.1

Actually we had forked couple of months ago and built lot of feature on that version.

So forking again and adding these features would be difficult

I think the issue I am getting is because of version miss match in xcdoe

The Chinese community has a wallet
Latest address

Without knowing the changes done in your fork, I can’t really help - sorry.

Perhaps upgrading all cordova related packages to the exact versions used in latest version of superhero-wallet, as well as comparing config.xml may help but it’s a wild guess.

Regarding xcode compatibility you can check the official docs: iOS Platform Guide - Apache Cordova

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This is our wallet .

What I am going to do is first compare what’s the different in resources folder which is causing the error in npm run gen:cordova-resources command

Perhaps then Ill be able to figure out the next one

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so I found this perhaps ill check what Is the cordova version in my branch