Hey, did you guys know all the ways you can tip via Superhero?
I’m sure you knew at least some, like via superhero.com, or using the SH wallet, but there are other ways as well. For example, once you’ve installed the SH Wallet web extension, you can see the SH logo appear in a lot of places, like beneath YouTube videos or Tweets! You can tip directly through there, or right-click and select “tip” anywhere on a webpage you’d like to support! Or, if you see a Superhero Button anywhere, you can tip via that as well 
It’s all listed out - both how to send and how to receive tips - here, in this cool article: https://blog.aeternity.com/superhero-how-to-send-receive-superhero-tips-34971b18c919
What’s your favorite way to use it? And, which way do you think makes the most sense to use, or is the easiest to use?
To me the easiest way to use it is by tipping URLs I like directly through the browser extension (Chrome or Firefox), but I’d love to be able to do the same on mobile as well! As of now I need to copy paste the URL I like to the Superhero wallet mobile app in order to make a tip.
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superhero should have swap function;for example;usdt to ae ;eth to ae
if I do not have ae;how I tip
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You can post, and get tipped but others who appreciate what you share. The same if for comments. Option 2 is, ofc, getting some AE
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well that would definitely be awesome! not sure if we will see this anytime soon. but yeah, would be great 
Hey yall
Whatch’all think about this nifty ofther featurea (I’m sure you’re all aware off) called Vote, which allows anybody to create blockchain-backed polls on, well, any topic?
The outcome of these is then recorded on-chain as well. A foolproof way of battling tampering with the results and with the vote itself.
Here’s an awesome how-to on voting, how it works and what can be done with it I figured I’d share with y’all and see what your take on it is
Wiki: How Superhero Voting Works. Superhero community members can now… | by Samuel Town | æternity blog
What voting/election process would you most like to see overtaken/secured by blockchain? (Personally - parliamentary elections, like, everywhere, but I know that’s a pipedream :)))) ).
I hope superhero can have simple nft games;Work with game companies such as Blizzard. You should think about how to get the user into the superhero; and this requires a tipping point
Thats a great idea! Supporting this
PSA, y’all: https://twitter.com/superhero_chain/status/1422144152825962496?s=21
Just reminding you all that Superhero Wallet seed phrase is kept safely in Settings → Security & Privacy. Never show your seed phrase to anyone, and if anybody asks for it - screw ‘em! They have no right to ask for it and you should not trust them for anything!
Superhero Wallet, as a non-custodial wallet, takes great pride in being air-tight when it comes to security and the fact that users control their private keys and, in turn, have all of the access to their funds at all times.
I know this is something you all have probabaly known already, but it doesn’t hurt to keep saying it over and over again 
good;but Do you Want to be Right or do you Want to Make Money? ada just make money ;eth make money and be right。how do ae and superhero choice?
Good idea - check Superhero NFT cards Blinkit | Devpost proposed by BlinkIT during the last hæck. Still work in progress as far as i know
Also, we can tip from the meeting app “jitsi”, for instance, every Wednesday on jæm sessions we can tip everyone directly by clicking on the avatar.

nft is the trend; in order to promote superhero; superhero should be involved in nft
just FYI, a NFT standard is coming to aeternity: [Postponed] Aeternity NFT standard and implementation
don’t know if we will see NFTs in Superhero, but I would also welcome it 
Hey Peeps,
We had a question on the telegram group recently on how you can set a .chain name as a default one, in case you have more of them.
Thought I might share the answer here as well, just in case: simply click on any of the names you have registered and an option to “set as default name” will appear. 
Pretty intuitive, just takes some playing around in case the user doesn’t have a lot of experience with apps 
And, while I’m here’s a useful informative piece that might go as a fine read within this topic: Knowing each other on blockchain. AENS — the naming system bringing a… | by Danilo Polovina | æternity blog !