How to make a Fungible Token with custom features?

So I’m trying to use the Aex-9 token standard to create my own token.

The idea is to use the Aex9 Fungible Token Full contract remotely with my smart contract “Smash” to create a token with some custom features that meets the standard for fungibility.

Specifically my question is how to deploy/compile a fungibletoken using the fungible token contract with my custom name, symbol, decimals, and rules

So the Smash smart contract would call the FungibleTokenFull smart contract remotely like so:
@compiler >= 4

include “Option.aes”

contract Smash =
let name = “Smash”
let symbol = “SMSH”
let decimals = “5”
let initial_owner_balance = some(500)

//Rewards users who have a lot of smash(this part isnt actually implemented yet, just an example of a custom rule)
If(fungibleTokenFull.balance(call.caller)>10){, (fungibleTokenFull.balance(call.caller)*1.1)

/// @title - Fungible token with all the extensions - burn, mint, allowances
contract FungibleTokenFull =

let name =
let symbol = smash.symbol
let decimals = smash.decimals
let initial_owner_balance = smash.initial_owner_balance

// This defines the state of type record encapsulating the contract’s mutable state
record state =
{ owner : address // the smart contract’s owner address
, total_supply : int // total token supply
, balances : balances // balances for each account
, meta_info : meta_info // token meta info (name, symbol, decimals)
, allowances : allowances // owner of account approves the transfer of an amount to another account
, swapped : map(address, int) }

// This is the meta-information record type
record meta_info =
{ name : string
, symbol : string
, decimals : int }

// This is the format of allowance record type that will be used in the state
record allowance_accounts = { from_account : address, for_account : address }

// This is a type alias for the balances map
type balances = map(address, int)

// This is a type alias for the allowances map
type allowances = map(allowance_accounts, int)

// Declaration and structure of datatype event
// and events that will be emitted on changes
datatype event =
Transfer(address, address, int)
| Allowance(address, address, int)
| Burn(address, int)
| Mint(address, int)
| Swap(address, int)

// List of supported extensions
entrypoint aex9_extensions() : list(string) = [“allowances”, “mintable”, “burnable”, “swappable”]

// Create a fungible token with
// the following name symbol and decimals
// and set the inital smart contract state
entrypoint init(name: string, decimals : int, symbol : string, initial_owner_balance : option(int)) =
// If the name lenght is less than 1 symbol abort the execution
require(String.length(name) >= 1, “STRING_TOO_SHORT_NAME”)
// If the symbol length is less than 1 symbol abort the execution
require(String.length(symbol) >= 1, “STRING_TOO_SHORT_SYMBOL”)
// If the provided value for decimals is negative abort the execution
// If negative initial owner balance is passed, abort the execution
let initial_supply = Option.default(0, initial_owner_balance)

let owner = Call.caller
{ owner        = owner,
  total_supply = initial_supply,
  balances     = Option.match({}, (balance) => { [owner] = balance }, initial_owner_balance),
  meta_info    = { name = name, symbol = symbol, decimals = decimals },
  allowances   = {},
  swapped      = {} }

// Get the token meta info
entrypoint meta_info() : meta_info =

// Get the token total supply
entrypoint total_supply() : int =

// Get the token owner address
entrypoint owner() : address =

// Get the balances state
entrypoint balances() : balances =

// Get balance for address of owner
// returns option(int)
// If the owner address haven’t had any token balance
// in this smart contract the return value is None
// Otherwise Some(int) is returned with the current balance
entrypoint balance(account: address) : option(int) =
Map.lookup(account, state.balances)

// Get all swapped tokens stored in state
entrypoint swapped() : map(address, int) =

// Get the allowances state
entrypoint allowances() : allowances =

// Get the allowance for passed allowance_accounts record
// returns option(int)
// This will lookup and return the allowed spendable amount
// from one address for another
// If there is no such allowance present result is None
// Otherwise Some(int) is returned with the allowance amount
entrypoint allowance(allowance_accounts : allowance_accounts) : option(int) =
Map.lookup(allowance_accounts, state.allowances)

// Get the allowance for caller from from_account address
// returns option(int)
// This will look up the allowances and return the allowed spendable amount
// from from_account for the transaction sender Call.caller
// If there is no such allowance present result is None
// Otherwise Some(int) is returned with the allowance amount
entrypoint allowance_for_caller(from_account: address) : option(int) =
allowance({ from_account = from_account, for_account = Call.caller })

// Send value amount of tokens from address from_account to address to_account
// The transfer_allowance method is used for a withdraw workflow, allowing contracts to send
// tokens on your behalf, for example to “deposit” to a contract address and/or to charge
// fees in sub-token contract.
// The execution will abort and fail if there is no allowance set up previous this call
stateful entrypoint transfer_allowance(from_account: address, to_account: address, value: int) =
let allowance_accounts = { from_account = from_account, for_account = Call.caller }
internal_transfer(from_account, to_account, value)
internal_change_allowance(allowance_accounts, -value)

// Create allowance for for_account to withdraw from your account Call.caller,
// multiple times, up to the value amount.
// This function will abort and fail if called again when there is allowance
// already set for these particular accounts pair.
stateful entrypoint create_allowance(for_account: address, value: int) =
// Check if the passed value is not negative
// Set the allowance account pair in the memory variable
let allowance_accounts = { from_account = Call.caller, for_account = for_account }
// Check if there is no allowance already present in the state
// for these particular accounts pair.
// Save the allowance value for these accounts pair in the state
put(state{ allowances[allowance_accounts] = value })
// Fire Allowance event to include it in the transaction event log
Chain.event(Allowance(Call.caller, for_account, value))

// Allows to change the allowed spendable value for for_account with value_change
stateful entrypoint change_allowance(for_account: address, value_change: int) =
let allowance_accounts = { from_account = Call.caller, for_account = for_account }
internal_change_allowance(allowance_accounts, value_change)

// Resets the allowance given for_account to zero.
stateful entrypoint reset_allowance(for_account: address) =
let allowance_accounts = { from_account = Call.caller, for_account = for_account }
internal_change_allowance(allowance_accounts, - state.allowances[allowance_accounts])

/// Transfer the balance of value from Call.caller to to_account account
stateful entrypoint transfer(to_account: address, value: int) =
internal_transfer(Call.caller, to_account, value)

// Destroys value tokens from Call.caller, reducing the total supply.
// Burn event with Call.caller address and value.
stateful entrypoint burn(value: int) =
require_balance(Call.caller, value)
put(state{ total_supply = state.total_supply - value, balances[Call.caller] @ b = b - value })
Chain.event(Burn(Call.caller, value))

// Creates value tokens and assigns them to account, increasing the total supply.
// Emits a Mint event with account and value.
stateful entrypoint mint(account: address, value: int) =
put(state{ total_supply = state.total_supply + value, balances[account = 0] @ b = b + value })
Chain.event(Mint(account, value))

stateful entrypoint swap() =
let balance = Map.lookup_default(Call.caller, state.balances, 0)
put(state{ swapped[Call.caller] = balance })
Chain.event(Swap(Call.caller, balance))

stateful entrypoint check_swap(account: address) : int =
Map.lookup_default(account, state.swapped, 0)


function require_owner() =
require(Call.caller == state.owner, “ONLY_OWNER_CALL_ALLOWED”)

function require_non_negative_value(value : int) =
require(value >= 0, “NON_NEGATIVE_VALUE_REQUIRED”)

function require_balance(account : address, value : int) =
Some(balance) =>
require(balance >= value, “ACCOUNT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE”)

stateful function internal_transfer(from_account: address, to_account: address, value: int) =
require_balance(from_account, value)
put(state{ balances[from_account] @ b = b - value })
put(state{ balances[to_account = 0] @ b = b + value })
Chain.event(Transfer(from_account, to_account, value))

function require_allowance_not_existent(allowance_accounts : allowance_accounts) =
None => None

function require_allowance(allowance_accounts : allowance_accounts, value : int) : int =
Some(allowance) =>
require_non_negative_value(allowance + value)

stateful function internal_change_allowance(allowance_accounts : allowance_accounts, value_change : int) =
let allowance = require_allowance(allowance_accounts, value_change)
let new_allowance = allowance + value_change
put(state{ allowances[allowance_accounts] = new_allowance })
Chain.event(Allowance(allowance_accounts.from_account, allowance_accounts.for_account, new_allowance))

And Here is my specific error code, this is coming from aeproject test:

  1. smash Contract
    Deploying Example Contract:
    AssertionError: Could not deploy the ExampleContract Smart Contract: expected promise to be fulfilled but it was rejected with ‘Error: Error: Http request for http://localhost:3080/aci failed with status code 400. Status: Bad Request. \nError data: [{“message”:“Unknown error: {letval,[{col,2},{line,9},{file,no_file}],\n {id,[{file,no_file},{line,9},{col,6}],\n \“initial_owner_balance\”},\n {app,[{file,no_file},{line,9},{col,30}],\n {id,[{file,no_file},{line,9},{col,30}],\“some\”},\n [{int,[{file,no_file},{line,9},{col,35}],500}]}}\n”,“pos”:{“col”:0,“line”:0},“type”:“type_error”},{“message”:“Unknown error: {letval,[{col,2},{line,8},{file,no_file}],\n {id,[{file,no_file},{line,8},{col,6}],\“decimals\”},\n {int,[{file,no_file},{line,8},{col,17}],5}}\n”,“pos”:{“col”:0,“line”:0},“type”:“type_error”},{“message”:“Unknown error: {letval,[{col,2},{line,7},{file,no_file}],\n {id,[{file,no_file},{line,7},{col,6}],\“symbol\”},\n {string,[{file,no_file},{line,7},{col,13}],<<\“SMSH\”>>}}\n”,“pos”:{“col”:0,“line”:0},“type”:“type_error”},{“message”:“Unknown error: {letval,[{col,2},{line,6},{file,no_file}],\n {id,[{file,no_file},{line,6},{col,6}],\“name\”},\n {string,[{file,no_file},{line,6},{col,12}],\n <<\“Smash\”>>}}\n”,“pos”:{“col”:0,“line”:0},“type”:“type_error”}]’

and aeproject compile gives me this error:

Contract ‘/home/worcesterEngland/aepp-cli-js/smash-aepp/contracts/SmashContract.aes has not been compiled’
type_error: Unknown error: {letval,[{col,2},{line,9},{file,no_file}],

Thank you so much for helping, sorry that this a large post. I’m having a hard time finding resources on doing remote contract calls, and using the fungibleToken standard. So thank you very much.

Could you use code-formatting here in the forum, so it will be easier to follow your code?

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