Thinks your reply. I mean what does ‘coins’ here refer to? Is it ae or something else?
The tokens on the particular hyperchain.
So hyperchains is a stand-alone project? Will hyperchains have its token? Can holders of AE be allocated to hyperchains tokens? Or how to get the hyperchains token? Will there be an ICO?
I don’t understand the relationship between The tokens on the particular hyperchain and ae coins. But if a new chain and new tokens are generated and cannot be empowered to ae tokens, this is really very unfair to ae holders. Please correct me if I understand it wrong, I am very worried.
It’s still to early to state the exact form of the “first hyperchain”.
What’s known for sure is that IF HC becomes a separate platform from AE mainnet then the first HC will start from the state of AE mainnet - your coins will get duplicated.
I can definitely state that we are planning 2 testnets without any value attached:
- Private Testnet - an unstable testnet which might get taken down at any time - mostly for testing out our implementation
- Public Testnet - an stable public testnet where we will invite people to test it out and we guarantee that we won’t nuke the state at will
How do we integrate the token economics of a new chain then?
For example for Hypersign we have planned to only release 75 million HID’s if the existing AE gets copied, the HID’s circulation will increase, right?
Or perhaps we can have a workaround and I don’t use the HID as the native ?
Why can’t we start Hyperchain from genesis block?
@gorbak25 btw any timeline for the staking dasboard ? I wanted to add in our roadMap
If you could tell me q1 or q2 next year that should be enough
We are planing an ICO actually. You can swap AE to ETH and then buy HID(Aex9) token
Or perhaps directly buy HID/AE
People who bought AE token lost a lot of money in the past, If new coins are issued, it is unfair to the holders of AE token. We hope AE team can listen to the opinions of the community like others mainstream coins such as BTC,ETH etc,and stop issuing new coins. Without the support of the community, it will be difficult for AE’s project to continue in the future.
You got it wrong, HID is not an official ico, it is a community project. The community should support as much as possible.
The AE team should find ways to increase the value of AE token, so that AE’s projects will become better and better in the future.
I think HyperChains would empower completely new use cases of the AE blockchain and this could drive the price up.
To me it is the other way around though: the important thing is that the network is utilised as much as possible and it is used as a platform for making everyday business. HyperChains are definitely a jump in that direction. Hopefully this would impact the price of the coin as well.
When will the hyperchain be finished? I can’t wait to use it.
Could you please tell me what is the total amount of AE tokens issued?
With so little use at present, why not reduce the production or stop production?
Update #9 [9 November - 13 November]
@radrow.chain @erlmachinedev1.chain
BTC connector
We made decent progress on connecting to BTC - progress can be tracked here: GitHub - aeternity/aeconnector: Parent chains interface provider (Hyperchains). -
CI fixes
Some small fixes to our CI pipeline needed to be made: Fix deploys in CI by gorbak25 · Pull Request #3405 · aeternity/aeternity · GitHub -
Consensus Engine
Test mode consensus was introduced and our testing suite was refactored to use the new engine - due to the newly gained flexibility some test suites decreased their runtime 4 times. The test consensus will later be used for dev mode so developing aepps on AE will be a breeze. Moving block insertion and validation under the new engine is currently underway. -
The main focus in this week was getting the Erlscripten compiler to a decent level of compatibility. Right now we made decent progress, we now support multiclause lambda expression, records and many more. We now have a proper CLI utility for transpiling existing erlang projects and a testing framework for testing the output of our transpiler. To be fully compatible we still need to implement 4 things - Binaries, Exceptions, Processes, ETS - Right now we started working on exception support and expect to finish it soon. Currently we managed to get a decent part of Erlang’s STDLIB working:
And we are capable of properly executing not trivial code like:
After exception and binary support is finalized we can start transpiling our existing codebase and start making changes in the ecosystem.
Great progress with Erlscripten! Congrats!
Yeah I am super excited to collaborate and run nodes in the test phase
Update #10 [16 November - 20 November]
@radrow.chain @erlmachinedev1.chain
BTC connector
We currently are near finishing our trust-less connector module - we stated publishing commitment transactions on the BTC testnet. We revisited our protocol and optimized it for cost - an amendment to the current whitepaper will be made soon. -
Consensus Engine
During this week we made progress on refactoring block insertion to use the new consensus engine - the refactoring is still WIP and we expect to finish it next week. -
Full support for Erlang exceptions was implemented. We fully support apply/3 apply/2 make_fun/3. TCO support was greatly improved - most(but still not all) tail recursive erlang functions now runs efficiently in javascript. We transpiled real tests from OTP and they actually execute properly:
Initial process emulation is now in place:
Next week we aim to implement the last missing pieces(binaries, ETS) which will allow us to start transcompiling our existing Aeternity codebase to Purescript.
Update #11 [23 November - 27 November]
@radrow.chain @erlmachinedev1.chain
BTC connector
Right now we are writing documentation and tests for it. This component is nearly done. -
HC Protocol
We optimized our protocol with regards to commitment size - right now commitments are only 32 bytes and PoGF is kept locally within the hyperchain. We designed a protocol level delegate registry used for mapping Bitcoin/Ethereum public keys to AE public keys. The hyperchain whitepaper will soon be updated. -
Consensus Engine
The new consensus engine was finished and is currently under review. Implementing hyperchain consensus using it will be fairly easy. What’s notable is that we now can switch between different consensus algorithms - we can switch from PoW to Dev mode allowing us to flexibly play around with the state from mainnet - Additionally it’s now fairly easy to bootstrap your own hyperchain as it’s possible to temporarily use PoA/PoW to populate the staking contract - establishing the initial set of delegates. -
Binaries are now supported, we have a IO server inplace, TCO was further optimized. Right now we reached a point where we can transpile existing projects to Purescript:
Currently we started the process of transpiling aebytecode, creating a JS friendly library for it and publishing it on NPM. Small fixes still need to be done - bigint support, implementing some missing BIFS etc…
Update #12+13 [30 November - 11 Dec]
@radrow.chain @erlmachinedev1.chain
The Recent 51% attack re-prioritized a lot of tasks - due to it here is a biweekly development update - following updates will be posted regularly.
- Coordination with the AE foundation maintenance team
We coordinated on delivering the next 5.6 maintenance release in December - Emergency response due to the 51% attack
- Consensus engine
This large piece of code is still under review - we will include it in the 5.6-rc1 release and test it out on our infrastructure - BTC integration
The connectors are ready and right now we are integrating it in the node - implementation of HC consensus is underway. - HC Protocol + Whitepaper - we plan to amend our whipepaper in the near future with all of the improvements we made to the initial HC protocol - A separate document tailored around BTC and investors will be prepared in the near future.
- DB corruption - blocker
This is unrelated to the 51% attack - We found that more than half of our production nodes got their DB corrupted on a rare bug - crash due to “missing_hash”. We were notified by one external node operator that this issue also occurred on their private node. We immediately started investigating and trying to find the root cause of this issue - Healing the broken nodes from backups took us some time but now the network is back up and in good shape. We found the root cause of the issue and in the process we found a lot of other issues cripling the sync performance - in the future we will need to migrate our entire DB from “mnesia over rocksdb” to pure rocksdb - the corruption occured in the layer between those two. As the migration is a really big undertaking(we need to touch more than 200 places in the node) we currently derived a quick solution to get the DB back in a consistent state - as a side effect the sync performance improved more than 2 times - I literally was able to sync 10% of the AE mainnet on my laptop in less than an hour… After the DB migration this will become even faster. The proper DB migration is postponed until we get the HC protocol up and running - Erlscripten
A lot of progress! We reached a mature state here - we implemented a lot of BIFS, we have bigint support, etc… The project was restructured - it is now hosted under
GitHub - erlscripten/erlscripten: Erlang to PureScript transpiler. Run Erlang in the browser!
and some components were split up: - GitHub - erlscripten/erlps-stdlib: Erlang's STDLIB in Purescript
GitHub - erlscripten/erlps-core: Core runtime of Erlscripten - ERTS emulation
The Erlang standard library is now fully working! We managed to get parts of the Erlang compiler fully working! Packages produced by erlscripten are now available for use in various projects.
Transpilation of Aesophia/Aeserialization/Aebytecode is now underway
Here is the transpiled Aeserialization library: GitHub - erlscripten/erlps-aeserialization: Purescript bindings for aeternity's aeserialization
Update #14 [14 Dec - 18 Dec]
@radrow.chain @erlmachinedev1.chain
The first release candidate for the 5.6 release was released!
This includes a lot of work from the hyperchains team and the maintenance team, including(not a full list) the last week DB consistency fix, the new consensus engine, a lot of sync performance improvements, new P2P messages, a full revamp of peer handling. Most notably sync was optimized a LOT - full sync used to take weeks, now it takes only 30 hours! The sync performance will improve a lot in the near future as Beam Sync is currently under development by the maintenance team and we plan to do a full DB refactorRight now 5.6-rc1 passed the full sync test and is deployed on half of our testnet nodes.
BTC integration
The connectors are ready and right now we are integrating them in the node - implementation of HC consensus is underway. -
HC Protocol + Whitepaper - we plan to amend our whipepaper in the near future with all of the improvements we made to the initial HC protocol - A separate document tailored around BTC and investors will be prepared in the near future.
The CLI utility was equipped with useful options for transpiling existing erlang projects(recursive transpilation of files, omitting files/directories/functions, etc…) , more BIFs(like binary:split/2…) were implemented, our implementation of the erlang’s IO server was improved. We introduced “function splitting” in order for the purescript compiler to compile complicated pattern matches in a reasonable amount of time. We investigated the long compilation times of purescript projects and discovered the core reason for them - after tuning the Haskell garbage collector the compile times went down to reasonable levels. Aeserialization was transpiled and is fully working - it passes all erlang tests we wrote for it in the pastAebytecode was transpiled and is now partially working - some erlang tests for it pass but we need to tweek 1-2 places in the erlang code for it to fully work(we didn’t implement bitstrings yet - only binaries, aebytecode never uses bitstrings but does make some unaligned matches like
<<Sign:1, Abs:6, ?SMALL_INT:1>>
- after tweeking the 3 places the entire library should work as a charm). After aebytecode is fully working we will ship out the first production blobs for the Superhero team and start transpiling aesophia.
Right now most of the hyperchains team is on a short holiday break - we will resume regular development in the new year. This is the last update in this year - The HC Team wishes the reader a happy new year Expect the next update in the first week of January.