They are, but we have no control over what they decide to do on their own platforms.
ulf change world in aeternity
Can the team help negotiate?
I know I shouldn’t talk about this issue here but As a loyal fan of ae, there are thousands of people looking forward to the exchange can open up withdrawal
The connector is the component that knows how to post such commitments, as well as fetch and decode data from the parent chain.
Does this open up more possibilities than electing leaders for the child chain? For example, will this open the door to being able to posting transactions to the parent chain from the child chain?
Example Scenario #1: An AE transaction could contain data of a signed transaction (provided by users BTC account signature) that can then be submitted to the BTC network via the AE nodes.
Example Scenario #2: AE nodes have some clever way to sign a multi-sig account on BTC network? I realize this is more speculative, but it would be an amazing feature if it could be done securely… it would make AE<—>>BTC atomic swaps practically intrinsic to AE.
Thanks for your work and updates!
Dear, at present, the computing power of AE main network is at a record low. At present, an attack can be launched at very little cost. Perhaps only the Hyperchains can continue the brilliance of AE. Ask the core development team to evaluate the current situation
Thank you for your work. We trust you
Thank you for your hard work, I will always support you!
What would be the benefit of an attack?
You cannot attack any transactions deeper than 100 blocks from the top. This means that value is persisted on AE after ca 5 hours. This gives participants in high-value transactions a sensible timeframe to secure their end.
When will the hyperchain white paper be released?
Is it possible to develop a technology to make it easier to migrate the ecology of Ethereum to the aeternity blockchain (similar to one-click migration), which will make the ecology of aeternity stronger I know that it may be technically difficult. Hope it will come true in the future
it’s not really feasible IMO. the things we are talking about are often quite complex contracts. it might be feasible for very simple contracts. but then it’s not worth the effort IMO
generally it would be nice to have sth. like this of course. maybe somebody wants to give it a shot and request a grant from the foundation?
Excuse me, is there any update here?
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