Hyperchains Ideas

So, meme-competition all well and good… but, really - what is needed is a way for AE and the things it brings to become… usable. Usable to the clueless un-computer-skilled masses.

I posit that the meme competition will be useless - until Hyperchains has an option for anyone to use it - to achieve a granular product in 30 minutes or less. Until then - all meme would do is attract people to look at a brick wall.

Is that (a developed front-end) something that is going to be created by AEorg when the product is premiered? This is a discrete question that I’m not sure is answered/answerable/even being worked on. :wink:

well I mentioned everything from the usage standpoint in my first response of this thread. I totally agree that people need to be able to feel and check out how aeternity works in a easy and convenient way!

meme competition would be one part of the marketing “campaign”


Yes yes, ofc - not a stand alone activity, we understood each other there!

That’s great, @marco.chain - but those were ‘woulda-shoulda’ kind of things… I guess what I’m asking is - what IS AEternity organization doing, preparing, planning on having ready - to fulfill those specific dreams - for the moment of unveiling?

Are there any projects currently in progress - that would deliver:
-a great slick produced video
-a DeFi/slick UI/application for use?
-a dedicated Hyperchains testnet

We all agree that the launch is crucial for all of the future - what of those ^ is being done? Who might be able to answer the question, if you’re not? :slight_smile: @YaniUnchained, maybe? :smiley:


Hi @swift !!

All that you mentioned is being worked out right now to do a proper staged launch according to the importance of this release for the whole ae community, and even for the whole crypto ecosystem. starting of course with testnet, but also FAQ’s, documentation, white paper being reworked, launch campaign…