Application Status
- Status: New
- Last updated: 2024-08-20
- Submitted by: Måns af Klercker & Richard Carlsson, [email protected]
- Team: Core development team with Erik Stenman as team lead
- Approved Budget (in h): 1000
- **Used Budget (in h):**0
- Planned Delivery: End of November
- Funding Category: Open Source Development
Application Title
- Project Title: Hyperchains development
- Måns af Klercker: With over 20 years of experience in software development and product management, Måns is passionate about creating innovative and scalable solutions that solve complex problems and deliver value to customers and stakeholders.
- Richard Carlsson: The author of Eunit and many core Erlang components, Richard is a programmer, problem solver, and writer. His specialties include Erlang, programming languages, compilers and interpreters, static analysis, optimization, program transformation, partial evaluation, runtime systems, virtual machines, emulators, functional programming, version control, and unit testing.
Value Application
- The project will result in a hyperchain implementation, enhancing the Aeternity ecosystem by providing a new layer of functionality that allows for greater scalability and security.
Definition of Terms
- For a detailed definition of the project, refer to the following resources:
Status Quo
- The project is currently at the conceptual stage, where an idea has been proposed.
Required Work
- For the detailed steps, milestones, and deliverables required to achieve the project goals, refer to the Aeternity Hyperchains Project.
- The project is estimated to require 1000 hours of work, with completion targeted by the end of November.
Known Limitations
- The project involves greenfield development on an unproven idea. The feasibility of implementing the concept will be determined during the course of the project.
- No further actions are planned after the completion of this project.
- All source code will be published, along with all test results and performance measures in the GitHub project repository.
- No maintenance is included as part of this project.