Indian meetup 12

Meetup 12
Date: 24 June 2019
Number of Attendees: 14

Key points:

1: Basics of a blockchain
2: Smart Contracts
3: Aeternity
4: What is æ?
5: Why Æ?
6: Other existing blockchains in the market.
7: Key features of æ.
8: State channels
9: æmbassador program
10: educational program

This meetup was organized at YOGI CLUB in my city. The people who attended the meetup were of the age group 17-30

Like all other meetups, I started with the basics of Blockchain as always because I feel before anything the audience must get a 10 min introduction of what a blockchain is because you never know who knows about blockchain.

Once done with blockchain, I smoothly pounced on to æternity and made them understand how æternity is the best one of the available blockchains in the market. There were some people who already knew what aeternity was and they were aware of how nice aeternity is and I was happy that at least they knew the tech.

Also, this time I focussed more on creating awareness on how blockchain and cryptocurrency are different because the Indian government is already not in support of cryptocurrency and people here don’t have any knowledge of how different cryptocurrency and blockchain are and hence they feel that both of the things are same and if the government is planning to put a ban on cryptocurrency, they feel that it is a ban for blockchain as well since they are unaware of what benefits this technology is going to do to the world 10 years down the line. And so I think it is important for the Indian people to understand that cryptocurrency and blockchain are two totally different things and so I managed to make things clear with my discussion.

State channels and oracles were as always the best and the most loved topic by the attendees and I took a few examples on state channels.

I concluded the meetup with [] ( and it was something which was loved by all the people and everyone was convinced to take lectures online on

In short, the meetup was productive and all of the attendees learned something new about a very amazing technology æternity.

All glory to God

And thanks to ætenity

Here is the link to the video of the event!



Great work @ashishchawla.chain! Hopefully you will come up with great solutions for India. Please make the video link publicly available so we can see it as well :slight_smile:

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