Installation problems with aeproject in Catalina mac os

The installation of the npm i -g aeproject command makes it ok, but then it does not recognize the aeproject command.
When run aeproject, displied de next message “aeproject: Command not found.”
Any suggestions?
Version npm 6.9.0

Thank you

is /usr/local/bin/ in your path?

echo path

do you have /usr/local/bin/aeproject?

ls -l /usr/local/bin/aeproject

This is my path.

echo $PATH


And this is my output when I run this:
npm install -g aeproject

/Users/gabriel/.npm-global/bin/aeproject -> /Users/gabriel/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/aeproject/aeproject-cli.js

not sure why, but looks like it installed it under your home directory, specifically in /Users/gabriel/.npm-global/bin/aeproject which is a symlink to /Users/gabriel/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/aeproject/aeproject-cli.js

Obviously /Users/gabriel/.npm-global/bin/aeproject is not in your PATH and it doesn’t find it…

In my case I got this:

/usr/local/bin/aeproject → …/lib/node_modules/aeproject/aeproject-cli.js

So, under the current installation path, these are 2 possible options:

  1. Add /Users/gabriel/.npm-global/bin/ to your PATH. You can achieve this by adding something like this to your ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH=“${HOME}/.npm-global/bin:${PATH}”

  1. Create a symlink like this:

link -s /Users/gabriel/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/aeproject/aeproject-cli.js /usr/local/bin/aeproject


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Thank You so much. I did the second option, and work great.


Awesome, I’m glad that worked!!! :slight_smile:

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I had faced the same Installation problems with aeproject in Catalina mac OS, I am a new user of macOS Catalina, and I faced some issues of using macOS Catalina and the main problem is that iMessage and iTunes activation issue how toFix iMessage an Error Occurred During Activation Mac? how to solve both of the issue? 1.Installation problems with aeproject in Catalina mac OS & 2. iMessage activation issue on mac OS Catalina.

Hey @macchristmas,

Have you tried the proposed solution above? What version of npm are you using?
I can help you only with the aeproject stuff, not sure how you can fix iMessage issues.
