My AE tokens are in Ledger Nano X which is use with the Base App, however i an not able to transfer the tokens.
When i try to transfer the tokens, the base app send the message to ledger that i can confirm till the step it reaches the ‘Fee’, but i am not able to go beyond that step, the ledger freezes at that step.
The firmware on Nano X is 1.2.4-4
Please suggest how to move the token to another wallet
was wondering if your issue was resolved. Now I’m having the same drama
No the issue still persists. I was hoping to get some here from the community here, but i will now reach out to ledger support. Looks like its a bug in their app
@SIB SIB were you able to get the issue resolved, i reached out to Ledger support a few days back but have not got a reply back yet
Yes the problem still persist its not able to send the tokens out
For nano s It doesn’t proceed further
For nano x it freezes on fees tab screen
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Having the issue with Ledger Nano S as well. After confirming the transaction is birngs me back to the transaction send screen and not AE are being transfered.