I want to use the find function to find an address from a list of addresses
find(p : 'a => bool, l : list('a)) : option('a)
The document says that the ‘find’ function finds the first element of l
fulfilling predicate p
as Some
or None
if no such element exists.
How do I put the predicate?
For example, I have a list of addresses in state called ‘addresses’ and I want to see if an address, ‘addr’ exists in the list. What do I write?
entrypoint addr_in_list1(the_addr : address, list : list(address)) : bool =
List.find((a) => a == the_addr, list) == Some(the_addr)
would do this using List.find
- I’m not sure why there isn’t a List.member
, but you can always define it yourself:
entrypoint addr_in_list2(the_addr : address, list : list(address)) : bool =
member(the_addr, list)
member : ('a, list('a)) => bool
member(_, []) = false
member(a, a1 :: as) =
if(a == a1) true
else member(a, as)