Lost my token in transaction and it is wired


I frequently receive token from pool to my local wallet, then transfer it to exchange site wallet again.
It happened wired since yesterday, after I received token from beepool, I sent out the token to gate.io, however there is no record on block explorer but the balance reduced from my local wallet.

Actually, I sent out 151 to gate.io, but the block explorer shows nothing however balance goes to 0 again. Then today, the similar thing happened, beepool shows transaction to my wallet, but I dont have any records,
the TX id: should be th_2unhBrCS1vNg7Q6cGp7Ab7wFszjfpNksjkHQUzziXXuqzDv2N8

but I still lost my 151 token for yesterday.

I also got another several wallet : like this one ak_28f8z46tBQaLNHb2e16LKB5gZkc5msvgWxUKGF7kMU9zGMHH9x
I can only see transaction in , no payout but the balance goes to 0…
sorry I can only put one image, you can check it on explorer

Looking for the someone to help me


What wallet are you using? There is no way AE tokens are lost. They should either be in your wallet or in the wallet you sent them to.

I am using ae-cli-js to do transaction. I did this for more than 4 month. it just wired. I suspect aeknow got some problem. As then cant show the th_2unhBrCS1vNg7Q6cGp7Ab7wFszjfpNksjkHQUzziXXuqzDv2N8 in my wallet, you can only check this transaction, but it doesnt show the receiver wallet address.

Maybe @LiuYang.chain can help here. What does your wallet say? The tokens cannot just disappear :slight_smile:

Let me know if the issue is still there.

Do you mean this transaction :

th_****v2N8 71.1235 beepool IN ak_****JWQ7 SpendTx 2019-06-21 02:18:04