Meetup 22 UNEXCA-CARACAS 05122019 MODULE 1 Nuevo Ingreso

New entry group to the computer engineering career of the Experimental University of Graan Caracas, future students in 2020 of the Aeternity Blockchain Course

MODULE 1: Introduction to Blockchain and Æternity. Blockchain concept

Bitcoin, origin, evolution. What is æternity, problems it solves, why

æternity, Æpps decentralized applications, what æternity offers. Glossary of Necessary terms to understand this technology.

The presentation was made by the rector of the university, who reported the plans to add the course as part of the academic curriculum as elective or creditable subject, is still in the process of decision.


Esa es la via! seguir sembrando el uso y desarrollo de la plataforma de aeternity en Venezuela.