Great @Manel, thank you for your work and dedication! We definitely need devoted developers to come on board
Concerning the questions:
- Proof of Stake cannot guarantee that a blockchain will remain decentralized. In fact, it only contributes to the rich getting richer. We believe that a public blockchain should be first and foremost as decentralized as possible. Proof of Work has its pros and cons of course, but æternity has found its way to address them - æternity is using the Bitcoin-NG consensus algorithm paired with the Cuckoo Cycle hashing algorithm. Read more about that approach here:
The criteria for the Starfleet incubator concern the stage of the project, whether it has a well-structured team and a clear idea, whether the use-case really benefits from the use of blockchain etc. @ellisavetageoo.chain can tell you more about that and about the future editions of the Starfleet
I will get someone from the dev team to answer this, but as far as I know - Not yet.
Yes, we do
It’s called Waellet and we already have a beta version. Follow the progress here: