Mining on RTX 3090

Is there any hope for in increased performance on the RTX 3090? I was surprised to see that it performs very similarly to the 3080.

Actually there is an difference between both cards but very less that is for an 3080 you get around 14 to 15 graphs where as on 3090 you get around 18 to 20 graphs

Hm, weird. I have 3090 and am unable to get past 14 (around 13.7).

I think you should have over clocked the graphics card
or there is an mother board problem

I’ve been running with ~900 Mhz memory clock. Getting just below 120 MH/s on Ether.

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Can you please elaborate more on settings, miner etc. to achieve that rate. I have tried a lot of different configurations of clocking, power limit and both gminer and nbminer. Best I have achieved is slightly more than 14 gps. It would make the decision to support the network a lot easier if 18 - 20 gps was achievable.

[quote="ventin, post:7, topic:8692, full:true"]

You know, there’re platforms where you can mine with almost no power requirements

You know, there’re platforms where you can mine with almost no power requirements