Mining performance with overclocking and lowering GPU power usage

Does overclocking and lowering power usage on GPU affect mining performance on AE?

I can’t even see a way to know what present mining performance is.

Neither do I, but asking a question won’t kill me.

I’m also wondering how CPU mining compares to GPU mining. I read that AE mining is RAM intensive. I’ve also read that SSDs are better but not sure why. Since the miner is still in development all these answers are going to evolve.

I lowered power usage on GPUs for 35%, and from nvidia-smi I see that they are using same amount of RAM, so power usage doesn’t affect it, but maybe overclocking would speed up the cuckoo attempts per second?
As far as I know, CPU mining is not useful now comparing to GPUs and current network hashrate.

Memory bandwitdh is the constricting factor.
A GTX1080 gpu solves a graph in 200ms.
A fast cpu with 5 threads takes about 2 seconds

Context is destroyed and recreated, adding an overhead of about 400ms to populate memory and restart.
Power consumption is not so important and has is not so demanding on cuda, so having less powerd with more memory speed and a bit lower core clock could result in better performance.