Module 1 in the IUTEMAR University aeternity dacade and blockchain Introduction

The day 20 of march,i am proud to give an introduction of aeternity blockchain and also i included topics like bitcoin and fiat currency as a start point for newcomers.

We will target system engineers,accountant administration students
and professors of the Salle foundation University of technology Del Mar.give them the introduction to aeternity and decade as well seek for viable projects for the blockchain.

Campus de la salle, calle collon punta de piedra, Nueva Esparta
9 am to 10 am
march 20
Salle foundation University of technology Del Mar IUTEMAR
Planetarium Conference Room Emi


Hey @Luis.chain thanks for sharing

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Hi updating this meet up will postpone because of the corona virus and the new state of emergency set up by the Venezuela government.i will update with the new date for this meet up

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Hey @Luis.chain thanks for the update. Please follow the medical specialists’ instructions and be safe! :slightly_smiling_face:

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